Introducing the CTSC Research Equity, Accessibility, Diversity, and Inclusion Newsfeed

Supporting you with news and resources that you can use to build diverse, equitable, and inclusive research programs and studies

To complement the launch of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) content on our CTSC website, we invite you to visit our new Research Equity, Accessibility, Diversity, and Inclusion (READI) News page regularly and often. 

On a monthly basis you can look forward to: 

  • A DEIA Resource Highlight; 
  • Health Disparities Researcher Feature;
  • CTSC Event Recap; or
  • Community Organization Spotlight. 

DEIA Resource Highlight. We have a growing list of DEIA resources that are only as good as the researchers who know about and implement them in their research programs and studies. If you rely on a resource or have a favorite that you don’t see on the list, please let us know. 

Health Disparities Researcher Feature. Our health disparities researchers have been doing the work and centering inequity in science and medicine for years. We’re taking this opportunity and space to recognize the advances in knowledge they are making with their compassionate curiosity and unwavering commitment to advancing health equity through research. 

CTSC Event Recap. Did you know that the CTSC participates in a variety of capacities in internal and external events? We’ll provide event recaps on our blog to give you an idea of creative ways to spread the word about the CTSC and be a part of the conversation. 

Community Organization Spotlight. We can’t do this work without intentional fellowship with our community. Our community organization partners help us promote and and achieve diverse, equitable, and inclusive research outcomes that reflect our communities makeup and needs. These spotlights will provide a behind-the-scenes look at how the CTSC works with community organizations.