Paying Subrecipients: Updated Certification of Invoice for Payment form now available

The Procurement & Distributions Services Office and the Office of Post-Award Services and Financial Compliance have collaborated to update the Certification of Invoice for Payment form. The new form is now available and offers key improvements to streamline the process. The form is posted on the Paying Subcontracts section of the research website. 

Key Updates

  • Simplified approval: Only one signature from the PI is now required.
  • Risk verification: A new section has been added to assess the subrecipient's risk level, including a link to the High-Risk Subrecipients list.
  • Additional documentation requirement: If a subrecipient is listed as high risk, you must include their income and expense statement as proof that the invoiced expenses have been recorded in their ledger. If this has not been received, it must be requested and obtained before processing payment.

As a reminder, the invoice, required backup, and the Certification of Invoice for Payment form must be merged into a single PDF before submitting it to

For any questions regarding high-risk subrecipients, please contact Joel Morales at