The Office of Research and Technology Management (ORTM) offers a broad range of resources to help Case Western Reserve University researchers find and secure funding for their projects. Learn about the types of funding available to researchers and tools to help you find opportunities aligned with your research interests.
Types of Funding

There are countless opportunities for funding at the federal level, but navigating the maze of options can be overwhelming. ORTM’s collection of resources and tips can help both seasoned investigators and early-career researchers in this pursuit. Discover insights to enhance your strategy and better track the latest opportunities.

The State of Ohio offers a variety of funding opportunities for researchers to explore, as do funders in the Northeast Ohio region. Tailored for our university community, ORTM’s list of funders offers a sample of funders to begin your search in Ohio's funding landscape.

Seeking philanthropic support for your research? CWRU has resources and services to help with proposal preparation, including researching potential funders for your project, understanding foundation criteria and framing your proposal to foundation interests.

In addition to offering tools for finding external funding, CWRU has a range of dedicated internal funding resources. Understand the internal funding available as part of the university’s commitment to discovery and collaboration across the campus.