Tips for finding and adding sponsors in SpartaGrants

Having trouble finding your sponsor in SpartaGrants?

Focus on finding your sponsor in SpartaGrants by performing a search using only key words. If you can't identify a sponsor in the system, select "TBD Sponsor.” The Office of Research and Technology Management (ORTM)’s New Sponsor Request team actively monitors SpartaGrants for these designations.

New Sponsor Request Team will then:

  • Verify to see if the sponsor already exists in the system.
  • Perform a restricted party check for a new sponsor.

Need a sponsor added quickly?

For faster processing, contact the New Sponsor Requests team at with the following details:

  • Grant proposal number (FP#)
  • Grant proposal title
  • Sponsor's legal name
  • Sponsor contact information (name & phone number)
  • Sponsor's billing address (including city, state/province, and country if applicable)
  • Sponsor's website address (if available)

Important Note: There's a one-day delay for newly added sponsors to appear within SpartaGrants.

Preferred submission method and default address in SpartaGrants

CWRU prefers that principal investigators (PIs) submit proposals utilizing SpartaGrants system-to-system capabilities when available. Using the system-to-system capabilities ensures that the CWRU contact and other information is accurate. When submitting a system-to-system proposal, there is no need to change the default address in SpartaGrants for CWRU as it is correct for all proposals submitted by the university. Learn more about how to submit your proposal.