Associate Professor Emerita, Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences
Dr. Kathleen Farkas has extensive clinical and research expertise in assessment, diagnosis and treatment of substance use disorders and other mental health issues. In 2017 and 2020, Dr. Farkas was selected as a visiting scholar at the University of Warsaw, Poland. She taught in the Erasmus Mundus Master’s Degree in Advanced Development in Social Work (ADVANCES and ADVANCES 2.0), a program designed to give social workers outstanding levels of practice skills for global innovation. She received the John A. Yankey Outstanding Teacher Award in 2020. Dr. Farkas serves on the Advisory Council of the University Center for Innovation in Teaching and Education. (UCITE). She received three Mentorship Recognition Awards from the Women’s Council, Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) since 2016. Over her career, Dr. Farkas served as primary research advisor for twenty-seven doctoral students.
Curriculum Vitae
Google Scholar
Past Teaching
SASS 502. Change Agent Intensive
SASS 508. Individual Theory and Practice
SASS 547. Problem Identification, Screening and Assessment/Diagnosis
SASS 564. Interventions with Alcohol and Drug Abusing Populations
SASS 575. Invisible Groups in a New Poland (SASS 375)
SASS 587. Integrative Seminar in Mental Health Practice with Adults
SASS 477. Direct Practice Foundation Methods and Skills
SASS 576. Integrative Seminar in Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment
SASS 608. Philosophy of Science and Theory Development
SASS 610 Micro and Macro Dimensions on Human Behavior Theory
SASS 613. Advanced Research Design
SASS 617. Specialization Seminar
SASS 701: Dissertation
External Appointments
Visiting Scholar, Erasmus Mundus, Social Work ADVANCES/Social Work ADVANCES 2.0 2017, 2020.
Book Editor, Journal of Social Work Practice and the Addictions 2016-present.
President, Ohio Chapter, Kosciuszko Foundation, 2017-present.
Second Task Force on Advanced Social Work Practice in Trauma, Council on Social Work Education and the National Center for Social Work Trauma Education and Workforce Development, Steering Committee, Chair of Assessment Competency Workgroup, 2016-2017.
Invited Participant: Advancing the Science of Education, Training and practice in Trauma. Funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality (AHRQ) April 25-28, 2013. Yale University.
Kathleen J. Farkas and J. Richard Romaniuk (2021) Supervision for Advocacy: Supporting Self Care. Society Register 5 (4) DOI: 10.14746/sr.2021.5.4.0X
J. Richard Romaniuk & Kathleen J. Farkas (2021) Trauma Informed Care in Medical Settings, Lekarsz Wojskowy (Military Physician) 4, 182-190.
Aviva Vincent, Isabel Ballard & Kathleen J. Farkas (2021) Mind Full or Mindful? A Cohort Study of Equine-Facilitated Therapy for Women Veterans, Journal of Creativity in Mental Health, DOI: 10.1080/15401383.2021.1984353
Romaniuk, J.R., Kotlarska-Michalska, A., & Farkas, K.J. (2021) American perspectives on suicidality among men in Poland. Society Register. 5 (1) DOI: 10.14746/sr.2021.5.1.00
Wilson, A B., Ishler, K., Morgan, B., Phillips, J., Draine, J., & Farkas, K. (2020). Examining differences in criminogenic risk levels among people with serious mental illness incarcerated in prisons and jails. Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research ISSN: 1094-3412 Online ISSN: 1556-3308
Romaniuk, J.R., Miller, K., Pieski, M.K, Wojcik, T. & Farkas, K. (2020) Teaching English as a foreign language: A case study from Poland. Society Register. 2020, Vol. 4 Issue 4, p167-182. 16p. DOI: 10.14746/sr.2020.4.4.08
Vincent, A., Mamzer, H., Ng, Z. & Farkas, K. (2020) People and their Pets in the Times of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Society Register 4(3)111-128.
Farkas, K.J. & Romaniuk, J.R. (2020) Social Work, ethics and vulnerable groups in the time of coronavirus and COVID-19. Society Register 4 (2) 67-82.
Vincent, A., Easton, S., Sterman, J., Farkas, K. & Heima, M. (2020) Acceptability and Demand of Therapy Dog Support among Oral Health Care Providers and Caregivers of Pediatric Patients. Pediatric Dentistry. 42 (1) 16-21.
Romaniuk, J. R. & Farkas, K. (2019). Contemporary challenges of social work in Ohio, USA. Praca Socjalna. (Social Work) 34. 5-26. 10.5604/01.3001.0013.5014.
Farkas, K. (2019) Including spirituality in assessment and intervention. Teologia i Moralność (Theology and Morality) 14, 2 (26) 163-172.
Doctor of Philosophy
Case Western Reserve University
Master of Arts
University of Chicago
Bachelor of Arts
Case Western Reserve University
Additional Information
- Chair, Direct Practice Concentration
- Chair, Faculty in Substance Use Disorders and Recovery
- Faculty Member, Aging Specialization, Mental Health Specialization
Academy of Certified Social Workers
Licensed Independent Social Worker (OH #13456) (Supervisory designation, 2013)
In the News
Adam Mickiewicz University professors visit Mandel School to explore collaborations
May 25, 2023
Fulbright Scholar Agnieszka Naumiuk visits the Mandel School from the University of Warsaw
April 18, 2023
Professors Kathleen J. Farkas and Mark S. Fleisher to retire
April 17, 2023
Happy Social Work Month!
March 01, 2023
Kathleen Farkas and Richard Romaniuk speak at first International Scientific–Practical Conference
June 03, 2021
Kathleen Farkas and Richard Romaniuk named Social Work Advances 2.0 program visiting scholars
June 24, 2020
Farkas and Romaniuk pen article on social work, ethics and vulnerable groups in the time of COVID-19
April 23, 2020
Study Abroad Information Session: Invisible Groups in a New Poland
November 2, 2022