Peer-Reviewed Publications

Our faculty members spend a great deal of time writing and contributing to peer-reviewed research publications. View the last few year's of faculty publications from the Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences below.

View more Case Western Reserve University publications on Google Scholar.

Hong, J.S., Lee, S., Thornberg, R., Jungert, T., Voisin, D.R (2025). Authoritative or Authoritarian Parenting: Which One Buffers the Association Between Bullying and Severe Forms of Violent Behaviors Among African-American Youth? Journal of Psychiatric Research.

Voisin, D. R., Hong, J. S., Kim, D. H., Colpin, H., Llorent, V., & Johns, S. (2025, January). Does teacher care protect African American youth with adverse adolescent experiences from risky behaviors?. In 29th Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work Research (SSWR), Date: 2025/01/15-2025/01/19, Location: Seatlle (WA), USA.

Holmes, M. R., Bender, A. E., Yoon, S., Berg, K. A., Duda-Banwar, J., Chen, Y., … Perzynski, A. T. (2025). Examination of protective factors that promote prosocial skill development among children exposed to intimate partner violence. Development and Psychopathology, 37(1), 490–503.

Withrow, A., Voith, L. A., Russell, K. N., Burkhart, K., Korsch-Williams, A. E., & Lee, H. (2025). Exploring Approaches to Mental Health Treatment and the Critical Role of Partnerships Among Hospital-Based Violence Intervention Programs. Social Work in Public Health, 1–14.

Flannery, D.J., Dabkowski. E.*, McMaster, R.*, Ogonek, M.*, Deo, V.* (2025). Gun violence and its influence on school safety and security. Handbook of Gun Violence.

Bai, R., Collins, C. C., Crampton, D., & Fischer, R. (2025). “Housing didn’t solve everything”: perspectives of housing and long-term housing outcomes of participants in a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Social Distress and Homelessness, 1–12.

Edguer, M.N., Burgess-Van Aken, B., Rusnak, S. (2025). Mindfulness Matters: The Experience of Mindfulness Activity Facilitation by Faculty. Building Health Academic Communities Journal.

Honarvar, R.L., Prince, D.M., Romaniuk, J.R. (2025). Neuroplasticity in the Biopsychosocial Framework: A Foundational Theory for Intervention. Social Work Research.

Prince, D.M., Schuler, M.S., Lewis, K., Munson, M.R., Blashill, A.J., Hovmand, P.S. (2025). Opportunities to Address Health Disparities in Suicidality for Sexual and Gender Minority Youth in Public Systems. Mental Health Science.

Taylor, RJ, Kim, E., Chatters, L.M., Nguyen, A.W. (2025).  Research on Religion and Aging Among Black Americans and Mexican Americans: The Impact of the National Institute on Aging. The Gerontologist.

Hong, J.S., Lawrence, T.I., Voisin, D.R., Espelage, D.L., DiNitto, D.M., Boone, C. (2025). Religiosity as a Protective Factor for Bullying Victimization and Substance Use in the USA: Examining Differences for Heterosexual and Sexual Minority African American Adolescents in Chicago’s Southside. Sexuality Research and Social Policy.

Oliver TS, Flanigan C, Holmes MR. (2025). Stress by Design: A Scoping Review of Structural Stress of Emergency Telecommunicators. Workplace Health & Safety. 2025;73(2):85-94.

*Researcher at CWRU

N Smith, E Tung, M Wilson, M Peek, D Coleman, D Voisin (2024). Associations Between Exposure to Neighborhood Violence and Firearm Possession Among Chicago Adults. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research.

L Kjeldsen, ML Joseph (2024). Community involvement in mixed-income transformation in Copenhagen, Denmark. Journal of Urban Affairs, 1-19, 2024.

MO Hope, AW Nguyen, RJ Taylor, LM Chatters (2024). Correlates of Spirituality among African American and Black Caribbean Emerging Adults. Religions 15 (3), 341, 2024.

AS Gzesh, D Prince, SK Jelinek, A Hillier, SK Kattari, J Shelton, ... (2024). “Death threats and despair”: A conceptual model delineating moral distress experienced by pediatric gender-affirming care providers. Social Sciences & Humanities Open 9, 100867, 2024.

MR Holmes, AE Bender, S Yoon, KA Berg, J Duda-Banwar, Y Chen, ... (2024). Examination of protective factors that promote prosocial skill development among children exposed to intimate partner violence. Development and Psychopathology, 1-14, 2024.

RE Lovell, M McGuire, N Lorincz-Comi, L Overman*, T Dover, D Sabo, ... (2024). Examining Walking-Waiting Sexual Assaults from Previously Untested Sexual Assault Kits: The intersection of Stranger and Outdoor Sexual Assaults. Victims & Offenders 19 (2), 348-370, 2024.

KE Evans, AE Bender, N Rolock, EP Hambrick, R Bai, K White, ... (2024). Exploring Adherence to Client Treatment Recommendations in the Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics. Research on Social Work Practice 34 (2), 222-233, 2024.

R Bai, C Collins, R Fischer, D Crampton (2024). Factors leading to foster care reentry: experiences of housing unstable families. Journal of Public Child Welfare 18 (1), 104-123, 2024.

MR Holmes, AE Bender, KA O'Donnell, EK Miller, IT Conard (2024). Illuminating the landscape of sibling relationship quality: An evidence and gap map. Child Development, 2024.

HO Taylor, K Tsuchiya, AW Nguyen, RJ Taylor (2024). The impact of subjective, interpersonal, and structural social isolation on the mental health of African Americans and Black Caribbeans. Social Work in Mental Health, 1-19, 2024.

B Gillani, DM Prince, M Ray-Novak*, G Feerasta, D Jones, LJ Mintz, ... (2024). Mapping the Dynamic Complexity of Sexual and Gender Minority Healthcare Disparities: A Systems Thinking Approach. Healthcare 12 (4), 424, 2024.

GC Gilmore, SE Milligan, AE Korsch-Williams, Z Breen Wood (2024). Meeting the challenge: Educating social work students during a pandemic. Rethinking social Work education in light of the COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons …, 2024. 

VS Deo, MK Bhullar, TP Gilson, DJ Flannery, SE Fulton* (2024). The need to rethink harm reduction for people using drugs alone to reduce overdose fatalities. Substance Use & Misuse 59 (3), 450-458, 2024.

JS Hong, Y Yan, DL Espelage, KM Tabb, SCS Caravita, DR Voisin (2024). Peer victimization and adverse psychosocial wellbeing of Black/White biracial adolescents: Is ease of talking with family a protective buffer?. School Psychology Review 53 (1), 17-30, 2024.

K Ocasio, N Rolock, J Blakey, R Diamant-Wilson, F Bass, J Brom, ... (2024). A Pilot Study of the Adoption and Guardianship Enhanced Support (AGES) Program: Preventing Discontinuity by Walking Alongside Adoptive and Guardianship Families Who are Struggling. Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work 21 (1), 50-74, 2024.

AE Fisher, LR Johnson, S Minnes, EK Miller, JS Riccardi, A Dimitropoulos (2024). Predictors of social emotional learning in after‐school programming: The impact of relationships, belonging, and program engagement. Psychology in the Schools 61 (4), 1318-1335, 2024. 

DM Prince, M Ray-Novak*, K Tossone*, E Peterson, B Gillani, L Mintz (2024). Psychological comorbidities and suicidality in sexual and gender minority foster youth. Children and Youth Services Review 156, 107379, 2024.

J Fairclough, M Abd-Elmonem, GJ Merrin, JS Hong, DR Voisin (2024). Religiosity and associations with substance use and delinquency among urban African American adolescents. Journal of religion and health 63 (1), 531-550, 2024.

AW Nguyen, HO Taylor, RJ Taylor, AZ Ambroise, T Hamler, W Qin, ... (2024). The role of subjective, interpersonal, and structural social isolation in 12-month and lifetime anxiety disorders. BMC Public Health 24 (1), 1-10, 2024.

AW Nguyen, MO Hope, W Qin, N Cobb, K Ding, HO Taylor, UA Mitchell (2024). “So, Do Not Fear”: Religion and the prevalence, persistence, and severity of anxiety disorders among Black Americans. Journal of Affective Disorders 350, 247-254, 2024.

SM Murphy, AT Flores, JA Wojtalik, MS Keshavan, SM Eack (2024). Symptom contributors to quality of life in schizophrenia: Exploratory factor and network analyses. Schizophrenia Research 264, 494-501, 2024.

DJ Mayer, RL Fischer (2024). Teaching Spatial Data Analysis: A Case Study with Recommendations. Nonprofit Policy Forum 15 (1), 71-82, 2024.

JR Romaniuk, H Mamzer, KJ Farkas (2024). The transformation of social work in Ukraine before and during the war. Society Register 8 (1), 7-26, 2024.

R Domanico, H Ringeisen, M Kluckman, K White, N Rolock (2024). Understanding the health and well-being of adults 10-15 years after adoption from the US foster care system. Journal of Public Child Welfare, 1-19, 2024.

*Researcher at CWRU

Bai, R., Collins, C., Fischer, R., & Crampton, D. (2023). Facilitators and barriers to reunification among housing unstable families. Children and Youth Services Review 148, 106876.

Berg, K. A., Ishler, K. J., Lytle, S., Kaplan, R., Wang, F., Olgac, T., Miner, S., Edguer, M. N., & Biegel, D. E. (2023). “Don’t Promise Something You can’t Deliver:” Caregivers’ Advice for Improving Services to Adolescents and Young Adults with Autism. Autism Research and Treatment 2023.

Bhullar, M., Norieg, I., Gilson, T., & Flannery, D. (2023). Characterizing deaths by suicide in a large, urban county from 2018 to 2021: An epidemiologic study from the cuyahoga county medical examiner’s office in Cleveland, Ohio. APHA 2023 Annual Meeting and Expo.  Social and Economic Rights as Agents for Change. (2023). Children's rights and social change. Research Handbook on Intersectionality, 421-441.

Bulger, M., Joseph, M., McKinney, S., & Bilimoria, D. (2023). Social inclusion through mixed-income development: Design and practice in the Choice Neighborhoods Initiative. Journal of Urban Affairs 45 (2), 168-190.

Choi, J., Hong, J. S., O’Donnell, L. A., & Voisin, D. R. (2023). Bullying victimization, future orientation, and suicidal ideation of African American youth in an under-resourced community: a moderated-mediation approach. Community mental health journal 59 (1), 68-76.

Collins, C., Bai, R., Fischer, R. L., & Crampton, D. (2023). Facilitators and barriers to reunification among housing unstable families. Children and Youth Services Review, 148. May. 

Czarnecka, K., Farkas, K. J., Romaniuk, J. R. (2023). Treatment of trauma using Horse Assisted Education in Poland. Zoophilologica: Polish Journal of Animal Studies, 1-18.

Ellis, K. R., Nguyen, A. W., Miller, E. K., Zhou, Y., & Chatters, L. M. (2023). Advancing Family-Focused Health Equity: Reconceptualizing Family in Social Work Research and Practice. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research 14 (3), 000-000. 

Evans, K. E., Bender, A. E., Rolock, N., Hambrick, E. P., Bai, R., White, K., Diamant-Wilson, R., & Bailey, K. A. (2023). Exploring Adherence to Client Treatment Recommendations in the Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics. Research on Social Work Practice, 10497315231160588. 

Evans, K., Bender, A. E., Miller, E. K., Holmes, M., & King, J. (2023). Victim Service Agency Perspectives on the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Social Service Research 49 (4), 476-493. 

Farkas, K. J., Romaniuk, J. R., Mamzer, H. (2023). Using multiple lenses to see an invisible group. Society Register 7 (3), 21-34.

Groza, V. (2023). Special Issue of Adoption Quarterly: Voices from the Adoption Field. Adoption Quarterly, 1-2. 

Holmes, M. R., King, J. A., Miller, E. K., King-White, D. L., Korsch-Williams, A. E., Johnson, E. M., Oliver, T. S., & Conard, I. T. (2023). Innovations in Trauma-Informed Care: Building the Nation’s First System of Trauma-Informed Recreation Centers. Behavioral Sciences 13 (5), 394. 

Hong, J. S., Choi, J., Burlaka, V., Burlaka, J., Marsack-Topolewski, C. N., & Voisin, D. R. (2023). Bullying victimization and suicidal thoughts: emotional distress and neighborhood conditions. Archives of suicide research, 1-13. 

Hong, J. S., Lee, J. M., Rivas-Koehl, M. M., Butler-Barnes, S., de Lara, E. W., & Voisin, D. R. (2023). Correlates of Perceived School Safety Among Black Adolescents in Chicago: Are There Sexual Orientation Differences?. Clinical Social Work Journal 51 (1), 86-99. 

Hong, J.S., Wade, R.M., Kim, J., Espelage, D.L., Washington, T., & Voisin, D. (2023). Future orientation as a buffer of bullying victimization and school outcomes: Comparing heterosexual and sexual minority urban African American adolescents. Education and Urban Society, Education and Urban Society, 55(8), 899-921. 

Hong, J. S., Kim, J., Cleeland, L. R., Hicks, M. R., & Voisin, D. R. (2023). Teasing and alcohol drinking among African American adolescents in Chicago's Southside: Implications for nursing practice. Public health nursing 40 (3), 439-447. 

Hong, J. S., Valido, A., Hahm, H. C., VanHook, C. R., Espelage, D. L., & Voisin, D. R. (2023). Would caring teachers buffer the link between violence victimization and early sexual initiation? Comparing heterosexual and non-heterosexual African American youth. Archives of sexual behavior, 1-10. 

King, J., Holmes, M., Evans, K., Bender, A., & King-White, D. (2023). Introducing a Novel Intervention, CoHealing, to Address Teacher Burnout and Indirect Trauma. Behavioral Sciences 13 (5), 394. 

Lawrence, T. I., Hong, J. S., Espelage, D. L., & Voisin, D. R. (2023). Antecedents of sibling aggression and bullying victimization: the parallel and serial contributions of depressive symptoms and substance use. Journal of affective disorders 333, 193-201. 

Lawrence, T. I., Hong, J. S., Sopchak, K. S., & Voisin, D. R. (2023). The association between exposure to community violence and somatic symptoms through bullying victimization among African American adolescents in Chicago: A developmental trauma …. Journal of Clinical Psychology 79 (5), 1280-1292.

Lovell, R. E., Klingenstein, J., Du, J., Overman, L*., Sabo, D.*, Ye, X., & Flannery, D. J. (2023). Using machine learning to assess rape reports: Sentiment analysis detection of officers'“signaling” about victims' credibility. Journal of Criminal Justice 88, 102106. 

Lovell, R. E., Klingenstein, J., Du, J., Overman, L.*, Sabo, D.*, Ye, X., & Flannery, D. J. (2023). Using machine learning to assess rape reports:“Signaling” words about victims' credibility that predict investigative and prosecutorial outcomes. Journal of Criminal Justice 88, 102107. 

Mayer, D. J., & Fischer, R. L. (2023). Can a measurement error perspective improve estimation in neighborhood effects research? A hierarchical Bayesian methodology. Social Science Quarterly

Mayer, D. J., & Fischer, R. L. (2023). Exploring data use in nonprofit organizations. Evaluation and Program Planning 97

Mayer, D. J., & Fischer, R. L. (2023). Exploring niche alteration in nonprofit organizations. Administration & Society, 00953997231165255. 

Mayer, D. J., & Fischer, R. L. (2023). Teaching Spatial Data Analysis: A Case Study with Recommendations. Nonprofit Policy Forum

Min, M., Albert, J., Minnes, S., Kim, J.-Y., Kim, S.-K., Powers, G., & Singer, L. (2023). Prenatal cocaine exposure and self-reported behavioral adjustments from ages 12 to 21: environmental pathways. Psychological Medicine, 1-11. 

Min, M. O., Minnes, S., Kim, S.-K., Kim, J.-Y., & Singer, L. T. (2023). Prenatal cocaine exposure and substance use disorder in emerging adulthood at age 21. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 242, 109736. 

Nguyen, A. W., Qin, W., Wei, W., Keith, V. M., & Mitchell, U. A. (2023). Racial discrimination and 12-month and lifetime anxiety disorders among African American men and women: findings from the National Survey of American Life. Journal of Affective Disorders 330, 180-187. 

Noriega, I., Bhullar, M. K., Gilson, T. P., Flannery, D. J., Deo, V., & Fulton, S.* (2023). A Case Study for Local Data Surveillance in Opioid Overdose Fatalities in Cuyahoga County, OH 2016-2020. Drug and Alcohol Dependence Reports, 100187. 

Ocasio, K., Rolock, N., Blakey, J. M., Diamant-Wilson, R., Bass, F., Brom, J., Budzinski, A., Hermes, R. E., Karnopp, D., Sepnieski, K., Zhang, L., Fong, R., Faulkner, M., Marra, L. (2023). A Pilot Study of the Adoption and Guardianship Enhanced Support (AGES) Program: Preventing Discontinuity by Walking Alongside Adoptive and Guardianship Families Who Are Struggling. Journal of Evidence-based Social Work

Pérez, A. G., Ocasio, K., White, K. R., Farina, A. S. J., Rolock, N. (2023). Family well-being after adoption and guardianship: Considerations for engaging families across the life course. In R.W. Denby & C. Ingram (Eds.). Child and Family Serving Systems: A Compendium of Policy and Practice. Child Welfare League of America.

Powers, G., Lewis, B., Min, M. O., Minnes, S., Kim, J.-Y., Kim, S. K., & Singer, L. (2023). The association of prenatal cocaine exposure with expressive and receptive language skills, phonological processing and reading ability at age 17. Neurotoxicology and Teratology 95, 107135. 

Qin, W., Nguyen, A. W., Wang, Y., Hamler, T. C., & Wang, F. (2023). Everyday Discrimination, Neighborhood Perceptions, and Incidence of Activity Limitations Among Middle-Aged and Older African Americans. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B 78 (5), 866-879. 

Qin, W., Erving, C. L., & Nguyen, A. W. (2023). Trajectories of depressive symptoms among older African Americans: the influence of neighborhood characteristics and gender. Aging & Mental Health, 1-9. 

Quinn, C. R., Boyd, D. T., Beaujolais, B., Hughley, A., Mitchell, M., Allen, J. L., DiClemente, R. J., & Voisin, D. (2023). Perceptions of sexual risk and HIV/STI prevention among Black adolescent girls in a detention center: An investigation of the role of parents and peers. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities 10 (3), 1224-1233.

Quinn, C. R., Waller, B., Hughley, A., Boyd, D., Cobb, R., Hardy, K., Radney, A., & Voisin, D. R. (2023). The Relationship between Religion, Substance Misuse, and Mental Health among Black Youth. Religions 14 (3), 325.

Quinn, K. G., Hunt, B. R., Jacobs, J., Valencia, J., Voisin, D., & Walsh, J. L. (2023). Examining the relationship between anti-Black racism, community and police violence, and COVID-19 vaccination. Behavioral medicine, 1-10. 

Quinn, K. G., Edwards, T., Johnson, A., Takahashi, L., Dakin, A. L., Bouacha, N., & Voisin, D. (2023). Understanding the impact of police brutality on Black sexually minoritized men. Social Science & Medicine, 116191. 

Quinn, K. G., Edwards, T., Johnson, A., Spector, A. L., Takahashi, L., Dakin, A. L., Bouacha, N., Valadez-Tapia, S., & Voisin, D. (2023). “The Fight is Two Times as Hard”: A Qualitative Examination of a Violence Syndemic Among Young Black Sexual Minority Men. Journal of interpersonal violence, 08862605231153891. 

Rolock, N., White, K., Blakey, J. M., Ocasio, K., Korsch-Williams, A., Flanigan, C., Bai, R., Faulkner, M., Marra, L., & Fong, R. (2023). Living apart after adoption or guardianship: Perspectives of adoptive parents and guardians. Children and Youth Services Review 153, 107107. 

Romaniuk, J. (2023). Ośrodkowy generator wzorca i kontrola oddychania. Lekarz Wojskowy 101, 19-25. 

Russell, K., Withrow, A., Voith, L., Vernon, C., Lee, H., & McKinney, S. (2023). Exploring Low-Income, Black Fathers’ Strengths and Barriers to Positive Change using Qualitative Methods. Family Relations, 1-24. 

Singer, L. T., Powers, G., Kim, J.-Y., Minnes, S., & Min, M. O. (2023). Cognitive and functional outcomes at age 21 after prenatal cocaine/polydrug exposure and foster/adoptive care. Neurotoxicology and Teratology 96, 107151.

Singer, L., Albert, J., Kim, S., Minnes, S., Min, M., Kim, J., & Powers, G. (2023). Do infant behaviors mediate the relationship of prenatal cocaine exposure (PCE) to adult perceptual reasoning deficits?. Neurotoxicology and Teratology 98, 107266.

Slayter, E. M., Kattari, S. K., Yakas, L., Singh, R. C. B., Goulden, A., Taylor, S., Wernick, L. J., Simmons, L. D., & Prince, D. (2023). Beyond Ramps, Curb Cuts, and Captions: A Call for Disability Justice in Social Work. Social Work 68 (1), 89-92.

Taylor, H. O., Tsuchiya, K., Nguyen, A. W., & Mueller, C. (2023). Sociodemographic factors and neighborhood/environmental conditions associated with social isolation among black older adults. Journal of Aging and Health 35 (3-4), 294-306.

Voisin, D. R., Takahashi, L., Miller, D. B., & Hong, J. S. (2023). Bullying victimization and perpetration: some answers and more questions. Jornal de Pediatria 99, 309-311.

Voisin, D., Edwards, T., Takahashi, L., Valadez-Tapia, S., Shah, H., Oselett, C., Bouacha, N., Dakin, A. L., & Quinn, K. G. (2023). COVID-19, retention in HIV care, and access to ancillary services for young Black men living with HIV in Chicago. AIDS and Behavior 27 (2), 535-544.

Voith, L. A., Atwell, M. S., Sorensen, A., Thomas, T. J., Coulton, C., & Barksdale, E. M., Jr. (2023). Identifying risk factors and advancing services for violently injured low-income black youth. Journal of racial and ethnic health disparities 10 (4), 1809-1822. 

Voith, L. A., Russell, K. N., Lee, H., Atwell, M. S., McKinney, S. J., Thomas, T., & Barksdale, E. M., Jr. (2023). Using grounded theory to develop a theory of change for a violence intervention program. Evaluation and program planning 99, 102303.

Wang, F., & Nguyen, A. W. (2023). Correlates of physical and emotional strain among older adult caregivers. Journal of Gerontological Social Work 66 (2), 221-238.

White, K., Rolock, N., Hambrick, E., Bai, R., Bender, A., Evans, K., Diamant-Wilson, R., & Bailey, K. (2023). Longitudinal Evaluation of the Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics with Adoptive Families in Tennessee. Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work, 1-22.

Wojtalik, J. A., Brown, W. J., Mesholam-Gately, R. I., Kotwani, A., Keshavan, M. S., & Eack, S. M. (2023). Predictors of treatment discontinuation during an 18-month multi-site randomized trial of Cognitive Enhancement Therapy for early course schizophrenia. Psychiatry Research 326, 115254.

*Researcher at CWRU

Bender, A. E., McKinney, S. J., Schmidt-Sane, M. M., Cage, J., Holmes, M. R., Berg, K. A., Salley, J., Bodell, M., Miller, E. K., & Voith, L. A. (2022). Childhood exposure to intimate partner violence and effects on social-emotional competence: A systematic review. Journal of Family Violence, 37, 1263–1281.  

Berg, K. A., Coulton, C. J., & Perzynski, A. T. (2022). Racism and the racialization of U.S. neighborhoods: Impacts on child maltreatment and child maltreatment reporting. Neighborhoods, Communities and Child Maltreatment, 15, 51–64.

Berg, K. A., Evans, K. E., Powers, G., Moore, S. E., Steigerwald, S., Bender, A. E., Holmes, M. R., Yaffe, A., & Connell, A. M. (2022). Exposure to intimate partner violence and children’s physiological functioning: A systematic review of the literature. Journal of Family Violence, 37(8), 112–126. 

Brown, W. J., Zampogna, A. M., Saulnier, K. G., Allan, N. P., Wojtalik, J. A., & Grubaugh, A. L. (2022). Dropout from prolonged exposure among individuals with posttraumatic stress disorder and comorbid severe mental illness. Journal of Affective Disorders Reports, 10.

Chupp, M., Madden, J. R., & Yankey, J. A. (2022). Strategic planning. In T. Mizrahi & D. Bailey (Eds.), Encyclopedia of macro social work. Oxford University Press. 

Cobb, R. J., Sheehan, C. M., Nguyen, A. W., & Johnson, D. (2022). COVID-19 hardships and self-reported sleep quality among American adults in March and April 2020: Results from a nationally representative panel study. Sleep Health: Journal of the National Sleep Foundation, 8(3), 288–293.

Collins, C., Bai, R., Crampton, D., & Fischer, R. L. (2022). Families with Black caregivers were more likely to reunify? Explaining findings from a RCT for families who are housing-unstable and have children in foster care. Child Welfare, 100(2), 27–48.

Evans, K. E., Schmidt-Sane, M. M., Bender, A. E., Berg, K. A., & Holmes, M. R. (2022). Children’s exposure to intimate partner violence and acceptance or appraisals of IPV: A systematic review. Journal of Family Violence, 37(8), 93–111.

Farkas, K. J. (2022). The Routledge handbook of social work and addictive behaviors [Review of the book The Routledge handbook of social work and addictive behaviors by A.L. Begun & M.M. Murray (Eds.)]. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 22(2), 160–161. 

Fischer, R. L., & Bartholomew, J. (2022). ‪Women religious in a changing urban landscape: The work of Catholic sisters in metropolitan Cleveland‬. In B. R. Johnson (Ed.), Objective religion: Problems, prosociality, progress (1st ed., pp. 91-107). Baylor University Press. 

Flannery, D., Fleisher, M., Flynn, K., Bhullar, M., Gilson, T., Riske-Morris, M.*, & Fulton, S.* (2022).  Cuyahoga County, Ohio Heroin and Crime Initiative:  Informing the Investigation and Prosecution of Heroin-related Overdose.  Final Research Overview Report, Award number 2017-DN-BX-0168.  Office of Justice Programs, US Department of Justice, National Institutes of  Justice.

Flynn, K. C., Riske-Morris, M.*, & Hussey, D. L. (2022). Opportunities to improve behavioral health crisis response: Results of a large urban county’s community status assessment. Journal of Community Psychology, 50(2), 1008–1027.

Guimond, S., Ling, G., Drodge, J., Matheson, H., Wojtalik, J. A., Lopez, B., Collin, G., Brady, R., Mesholam-Gatley, R. I., Thermenos, H., Eack, S. M., & Keshavan, M. S. (2022). Functional connectivity associated with improvement in emotion management after cognitive enhancement therapy in early-course schizophrenia. Psychological Medicine, 52(12), 2245-2254.

Hamler, T. C., Nguyen, A. W., Keith, V., Qin, W., & Wang, F. (2022) How skin tone influences relationships between discrimination, psychological distress, and self-rated mental health among older African Americans. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 77(11), 2026-2037.

Hamler, T. C, Nguyen, A. W.,  Mouzon, D. M., Taylor, H. O., Qin, W.,  & Cobb, R. J. (2022). COVID-19 and psychological distress: Racial differences among middle-aged and older adults. The Gerontologist, 62(5), 780-791. 

Holmes, M. R., Berg, K. A., Bender, A. E., Evans, K. E., Kobulsky, J. M., Davis, A. P, & King, J. A. (2022). The effect of intimate partner violence on children’s medical system engagement and physical health: A systematic review. Journal of Family Violence, 37(8), 1221-1244.

Holmes, M. R., Berg, K. A., Bender, A. E., Evans, K. E., O’Donnell, K., & Miller, E. K. (2022). Nearly 50 years of child exposure to intimate partner violence empirical research: Evidence mapping, overarching themes, and future directions. Journal of Family Violence, 37(8), 1-13.

Hong, J. S., Wade, R. M., Kim, J., Espelage, D. L., Washington, T., & Voisin, D. R. (2022). Future orientation as a moderator of bullying victimization and school outcomes: Comparing heterosexual and sexual minority urban African American adolescents. Education and Urban Society, 10(3), 333-348.

Hong, J. S., Wang, M., Kim, D. H., VanHook, C. R., Clark Goings, T. T., & Voisin, D. R.. (2022). Subtypes of bullying and types of substance use among urban African American adolescents: Who is likely to use what? Social Work in Public Health, 37(5), 484-498.

Hong, J. S., Yan, Y., Espelage, D. L., Tabb, K.M., Caravita, S. C. S., & Voisin, D. R. (2022). Peer victimization and adverse psychosocial wellbeing of black/white biracial adolescents: Is ease of talking with family a protective buffer? School Psychology Review, 1-14.

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*Researcher at CWRU

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Lovell, R., Overman, L.*, Huang, D.*, Flannery, D.J. (2021). The bureaucratic burden of identifying your rapist and remaining “cooperative”: What the sexual assault kit initiative tells us about sexual assault case attrition and outcomes. American Journal of Criminal Justice 46 (3), 528-553.

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*Researcher at CWRU

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*Researcher at CWRU

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*Researcher at CWRU

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MO Min, S Minnes, JY Kim, M Yoon, LT Singer (2018). Individual assets and problem behaviors in at-risk adolescents: A longitudinal cross-lagged analysis. Journal of adolescence 64, 52-61.

M Min, S Minnes, AD Lang, P Weishampel, G Powers, JY Kim, L Singer (2018). Externalizing behavior in prenatally cocaine exposed young adults at age 21. Neurotoxicology and Teratology 67, 88-88.

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AW Nguyen, TC Hamler,* RJ Cobb (2018). Discrimination and chronic kidney disease among Caribbean blacks: the effects of immigration and social status. Race and social problems 10 (3), 248-258.

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*Researcher at CWRU