Event Description
The Mandel School will be hosting its third Advocating for Equity Spotlight Speaker Series, featuring a conversation with Rev. Dr. Sarah Griffith Lund, a widely-published author in journals, magazines and books, and the United Church of Christ’s minister for disabilities and mental health justice at the national level. While her work is often set in the context of religious community, she knows how to translate that knowledge to a social services and helping professions setting with aplomb.
Lund will be sharing part of her stories of family, faith, advocacy work and mental illness as documented in her books, Blessed are the Crazy: Breaking the Silence About Mental Illness, Family and Church; Blessed Union: Breaking the Silence About Mental Illness and Marriage; Blessed Youth: Breaking the Silence About Mental Illness, Children and Teens; and Blessed Minds: Breaking the Silence about Neurodiversity.
Sherry Warren, director of equity, will speak with Lund.
The Spotlight Speaker Series affords students the opportunity to listen to and engage with prominent local, regional and national leaders to understand the value and strategies of social work advocacy in meeting the equity needs of oppressed communities.
Registration is required. A recording of the video will be made available following the live conversation for those that register.
Event Location