Event Description
Dana Prince, associate professor, will be a featured guest speaker at the Michigan State University College of Social Science's Consortium for Sexual and Gender Minority Health.
In her presentation, Changing Human Service Systems to Support Sexual and Gender Minority Youth (SGMY) Thriving, she will share insights and findings from her federally-funded research with diverse stakeholders, including child welfare and juvenile court, SGMY with lived experience in these systems, and SGMY-serving community-based agencies, to transform systems and support SGMY thriving.
Prince's research to develop, test and evaluate multi-level interventions for sexual and gender minority youth involved in public systems has been funded by NIH-NIMHD, ACF and internal mechanisms at CWRU. She is a queer femme researcher dedicated to advancing equity and justice for sexual and gender minority youth involved in public systems.
Carla Pfeffer, director of the consortium, invited Prince to the series after she was identified by multiple graduate students and faculty members as someone they wanted to learn more about.
This event is free and open to all.
Event Location
Michigan State University
School of Social Work
221 Baker Hall
655 Auditorium Road
East Lansing, MI 48824