Event Description
Convocation is the university-wide celebration for all graduating students. It is a traditional ceremony that is attended by many faculty, staff, and dignitaries, and is the only time that all of the university's graduates are together for a ceremony. The convocation speaker gives the commencement address and honorary degrees are presented to recognize excellence in human endeavor. This year's convocation will feature a keynote address by Vinton Cerf. Dr. Cerf, widely considered one of the “fathers of the internet,” currently holds the title of vice president and chief internet evangelist for Google. He is a former Stanford University professor and former member of the U.S. National Science Board.
Convocation 2024 takes place on Wednesday, May 15 at 3:30 p.m. at Veale Convocation Center. This celebration is open to all graduating students across the university. Faculty and staff are encouraged to attend and will not include guests.
The second annual university-wide Clap Out takes place on the Case Quad. All faculty, staff, and postdocs are invited to gather along the Case Quad and applaud our graduates as the process to Convocation. All faculty and staff members are invited to gather along the main pathway on the Case Quad to applaud graduates as they process from the Binary Walkway, through the Case Quad, and on to the Veale Convocation, Recreation and Athletic Center for Convocation.
*Gather on the Case Quad with faculty and staff to applaud our graduates as they process from Freiberger Field to Convocation at Veale! Please assemble on either side of the main Quad pathway beginning at Adelbert Hall up through Glennan by 2:45 p.m.
Please note: Faculty and senior leadership staff who are participating in the academic process to Convocation must wear regalia. You can find information for ordering regalia during the registration process.
Immediately following convocation the entire campus community is invited to join the graduates on Freiberger Field for food, fun, and music for the Spartan Send-off Barbecue.
Event Location
Clap Out: Case Quad
Convocation: Veale Convocation Center
Spartan Send-off Barbecue: Freiberger Field