August 24, 2020
Dear Faculty and Staff,
James Strawser will be delivering the CWRU-provided masks (two per person) to each faculty and staff office. You do not need to be present. This will be completed by the end of tomorrow, Tuesday.
For those on the 2nd floor of the Mandel Center and in the Higley Research Commons: Before leaving masks in the open areas, James will coordinate with your Center Administrator to work out a delivery method. Those with private offices in those areas will receive masks as stated above.
Staff within office suites will also receive masks by the end of tomorrow, Tuesday. James will leave a set on each person's desk.
The University was not able to provide enough cleaning "welcome kits" as originally planned. We have ordered supplies to supplement these and will distribute those separately. However, please let me know if you have an urgent need for additional supplies. We can likely accommodate that as we wait for the balance of our order.
Thank you for your understanding.
Craig M. Zullig, MBA, CRA
Associate Dean for Finance and Administration