Aug. 7 Message to Students: Join university leaders in a Q&A session on campus life

To Our Students:

Earlier today, you received information about an online reorientation training geared at providing a greater understanding of campus life for both you and your fellow students. Now it’s time to ask questions.

The university will host a total of four Q&A forums for both undergraduate and graduate/professional students. A panel of university leaders will be on hand to answer your questions submitted through the Q&A function in the webinar. These sessions are not mandatory, but students are encouraged to attend to learn more. 

Registration information is below.

Undergraduate Student Q&A Forum:

Monday, Aug. 10, 1-2 p.m.
Register for the Aug. 10 Q&A

Tuesday, Aug. 11, 8-9 p.m.
Register for the Aug. 11 Q&A

Graduate and Professional Student Q&A Forum:

Wednesday, Aug. 12, 3-4 p.m.
Register for the Aug. 12 Q&A

Thursday, Aug. 13, 10-11 a.m.
Register for the Aug. 13 Q&A

If you are new to Zoom, please visit and sign in with your university username and password to create a Zoom account. If you have issues signing in to your user account, call the [U]Tech Service Desk at 216.368.HELP (4357).

Note: Each Q&A session will be limited to the first 1,000 participants, and registration is required. If interest is high, additional sessions may be considered.