Records Request

At this time, we are providing medical and mental health records electronically through secure messaging. Record requests will be processed within 2-3 weeks. If you have concerns or questions regarding this process please email

Medical Records after September 11, 2023

Visit notes for medical visits after September 11, 2023 at UHCS are available to view in Mental Health records are not currently available to view online. To access these visit notes: 

  1. Login to
  2. Click on Medical Records Tab
  3. Click on view note next to visit

Current and former students, faculty and staff can access these records utilizing their CWRU network ID and pass phrase. If you need assistance with your network ID or passphrase please reach out to the Help Desk at

Immunization Record Request

All immunizations administered by UHCS can be found in

  1. Login to
  2. Click on the immunizations tab 
  3. Select view details on right hand of screen
  4. If you need a PDF, click on Print on the top right of screen. 

Current and former students, faculty and staff can access these records utilizing their CWRU network ID and pass phrase. If you need assistance with your network ID or passphrase please reach out to the Help Desk at

Immunizations tab on left. Show details box checked on right

Other Records Request

  1. Log into
  2. Select 'Downloadable Forms',
  3. Click on Download button
  4. Complete all information on form and sign. Save to your computer
  5. Return to same page on and select 'Upload'. Select completed form and hit 'Open'
  6. Click 'Looks Good'
  7. Select blue Save button at bottom of page

After request is submitted, please allow 2-3 weeks for processing. 

If you are an outside entity, or unable to log-in to please complete the medical record request form and email to

When will I receive a copy of my medical and/or mental health record? 

Please allow at least 2-3 weeks to process all record requests. 

Whom should I contact if I have questions? 

If you have any questions, please email