For those of us on the course, at cheering or rest stop sites or volunteering along the way, it is a proud feeling to be part of an important community event. The weather was handled in a thoughtful way, and that allowed the entire ride to be uneventful and a rousing success!
To see so many thousands of riders, supporters and sponsors enthusiastic in helping support cancer research at Cleveland Clinic and investigator members of the Case Comprehensive Cancer Center - what a cause! Most importantly, this is one that brings us all together. I was proud to see that we have the 6th largest team - 110 members! Special thanks to team captains Caroline El Sanadi and Mary Wright for their team leadership and organization efforts.
To each member of the Case CCC, be equally proud of this community effort, and thank you to Cleveland Clinic and Stewart Kohl as lead sponsors, and to Brian Bolwell for leading an incredible effort on the part of Cleveland Clinic Taussig Cancer Institute in coordinating a wonderful event. I cannot imagine how much effort it takes - it was seamless despite the weather.
Cancer research matters and the community is aware: I heard many along the way call out that they were struggling with cancer treatment, were survivors, and read many written notes on the backs of jerseys identifying their close one or family member with cancer.
I would count that perhaps 2-4% of the riders were cancer researchers, yet all of the funds go to those who spend their careers studying more about cancer.
All of the rest came from the hospitals, commercial enterprise, local and national businesses, the Cleveland Indians etc. They all raised funds and rode for cancer research! That is a remarkable return on investment: every Case CCC participant is eligible to apply for funding and the funds raised represent at least a 30 to one return on their time and effort. But I also know that along the ride, many conversations take place about the cause and the importance of cancer research to improve the outcomes for our patients and to reduce the impact on those yet to be diagnosed. Every participant would like to see more cancer researchers join the effort
Just as you don't write an abstract based on research conducted the night before the deadline, so too, we should plan now for participating in next years event.
Let's plan to double participation from the Case CCC team and its investigators at all levels.
I would love to see the funds raised grow and to see the return on investment decline as we more than double our participation rate next year. Plan now to join and get in shape along the way!