Program Description
Each summer, the Case Comprehensive Cancer Center trains and supports medical students interested in cancer research. This program offers a valuable opportunity for medical students to participate in extensive, direct experience in laboratory research while completing their medical training.
Financial Award
The Case Comprehensive Cancer Center Summer Medical Training Award funds medical student research training projects in oncology. Each award provides $4,000 as a trainee summer stipend. An additional $500 is given to the hosting laboratory for research materials and supplies.
Mentors are expected to match this award with a commitment of at least $500 for research supplies and materials for the trainee summer project as well.
Mentor Expectations
The mentor(s) should be well-established and have:
- Mentoring experience with former trainees who have productive scientific careers
- Expertise in the proposed area of research
- Expertise in research methodology
The mentor(s) must commit the necessary time to provide both specific and general research training for the trainee, supervise the trainee’s research project, and provide the necessary equipment and resources to carry out the research project.
Trainee Expectations
The research and training expectations are that trainees will:
- Meet with their mentor or designee on a weekly basis
- Design or participate in one or more investigation projects
- Submit two progress reports to their mentor outlining the work being performed over the eight-week program (5th week and 8th week)
- Complete responsible conduct of research and safety modules, preferably prior to the start of the research period
- Attend department seminars to further develop an understanding of the field
- Acknowledge the support of the training grant in all posters and presentations that come out of the work in this program with “Supported by a Summer Medical Training research grant from the Case Comprehensive Cancer Center"
Training Site Expectations
The training site should conduct cancer research and have an established research program as indicated by the following criteria:
- Successful extra- and or intramural competitive grant funding
- Current IRB-approved clinical, or laboratory investigations
- Research presentations at national or international meetings
- Publications in peer-reviewed journals
- Dedicated funds, space, and support personnel available to ensure the completion of projects in which the applicant will participate
Applicants must meet the following criteria:
- Be enrolled in medical school at either Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine or Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine at Case Western Reserve University
- Select a mentor on the faculty of Case Western Reserve University; mentor must agree to the expectations noted above
- Have completed one or more years of medical school PGY but not have graduated
- Be in good program academic standing
- Use of this research experience to satisfy partial requirements for research for the MD degree is preferred
- Acceptance of Award
- Participate in End of Summer Symposium
- Submit Research Project Final Report to cancer-training@case.edu
Applications are now closed.
Contact cancer-training@case.edu for more information.