GI SPORE Research Projects

The Case GI SPORE proposal provides a cutting-edge Specialized Program of Research Excellence in gastrointestinal malignancies with emphasis on colorectal cancers and additional attention to adenocarcinoma of the esophagus. This comprehensive program builds on the resources of Case CCCC to propose translational research projects to bring new molecular advances to patients with GI cancers. The three SPORE translational research projects constitute novel and cutting-edge approaches to GI cancers.

Project 1: Toward Biomarker Based Early Detection and Interception of Barrett's Neoplasia

Co-Leaders: Sanford D. Markowitz, MD, PhD, and Amitabh Chak, MD, MS

Project 2: Synthetic Lethal Activity of Combined PI3K and EZH2 Inhibition in PIK3CA Helical Domain Mutant Colorectal Cancers

Co-Leaders:  Zhenghe John Wang, PhD, and David L. Bajor, MD

Project 3: Activity in Treating Pancreas Cancer by Unexpected Targeting of a Metabolic Dependency on Wild-Type IDH1

Co-Leaders: Jordan M. Winter, MD, and David L. Bajor, MD