You are not alone. According to the American Cancer Society, one in every two men and one in every three women will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. Fortunately, the Case Comprehensive Cancer Center (Case CCC) and its partners are working together to combat cancer by improving prevention, screening, treatment, and survival.
Partners in Clinical Care
Clinical care and service to cancer patients are provided through our partners, University Hospitals and Cleveland Clinic. Patients seeking treatment from a comprehensive cancer center have the benefit of access to a full range of services, from basic research information to advanced treatments and psychosocial and supportive care. Important aspects of this access include the opportunity to be part of clinical trials as well as be offered the latest cancer treatments.
For appointments or referrals, please contact our clinical partners:
UH Seidman Cancer Center
Call: 1.866.UH4.CARE
Cleveland Clinic
Call: 1.866.223.8100