Spratt Assesses Associations Between the Decipher GC and Risks of Metastasis/BCR after Prostate Biopsy/Radical Prostatectomy in Patients

Daniel Spratt, MD, member of Case CCC's Developmental Therapeutics Program, conducted a retrospective cohort study assessing the associations between the Decipher Genomic Classifier (Decipher GC), a test that improves understanding of the aggressiveness of a patient's prostate cancer, and risks of metastasis and biochemical recurrence (BCR) following prostate biopsy and radical prostatectomy (RP) among patients tested and treated in the real-world setting. The study was published on Aug 6 in UroToday.

Spratt and his team used a novel longitudinal linkage of transcriptomic data from the Decipher GC and real-world clinical data aggregated from insurance claims, pharmacy records, and electronic health records across payors and sites of care. They used Kaplan-Meier and Cox proportional hazards regressions to examine the associations between the GC and study outcomes, adjusting for clinical and pathologic factors.

This study, conducted at a national scale using results of 58,935 participants who underwent testing, found that the Decipher GC test helped estimate the risk of cancer recurrence and metastasis, thus supporting its external prognostic validity among patients managed in contemporary practice. 

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