Over the past year, the Case Comprehensive Cancer Center has undertaken a program and center-wide effort to identify our scientific initiatives for the next 6 years, and to integrate these with our research programs. This effort engaged the help of our entire membership, guided by our Executive Committee (EC), Institutional Advisory Committee, and External Advisory Committee. The resulting Strategic Plan complements the SOM strategic plan, and looks forward through 2023. It was presented to and reviewed by the NCI site visit panel and was well received.
I ask you to please review the new strategic plan and provide input. It is a roadmap, but is not in concrete: we expect to nuance it over the short term and overhaul it over the long term by responding to new opportunities and discoveries. Remember, the Center will invest in these initiatives. If there is a major need that would benefit from a Cancer Center focus or investment, it is best done through advocacy for its inclusion in the strategic plan and coordination with the research programs.
Over the next two months, the EC will identify 2-4 coordinating leaders per new initiative, who will be charged with providing depth to the initiative through working groups and presenting their plans to the EC. After which, we will announce new support efforts for these initiatives.
I hope you find the strategic plan helpful, and I encourage you to consider it as you move your own initiatives forward.