Josephine Kam Tai Dermawan is an attending pathologist and medical director for Anatomic Pathology Molecular Services at Cleveland Clinic. Her expertise is in bone and soft tissue pathology and molecular pathology, having done subspecialty fellowship training in both areas. In daily practice, Dermawan evaluates and diagnoses a large volume of in-house and consultation bone and soft tissue cases, ranging from common, rare, to ultra-rare mesenchymal tumors. She also signs out next-generation sequencing testing (including gene fusions, hotspot mutations, whole exomic and whole transcriptomic testing) for solid tumors. She has extensive research training background in “wet lab” molecular biology and “dry lab” cancer genomics, including the use of bioinformatics tools to analyze genomics and epigenomics data. Reflecting her dual background in sarcoma and molecular genetic pathology, as well as her prior molecular cancer biology graduate training, she is particularly interested in the histologic and molecular characterization and discovery of novel and rare soft tissue entities, and the use of next generation sequencing (NGS) techniques to complement and augment traditional clinicopathologic investigative methods. Dermawan's research focuses on deciphering the genomics and epigenomics of emerging and established soft tissue and bone tumors, and their translational applications, including novel risk stratification and therapeutic target discoveries, in the diagnosis, prognostication, and management of these rare but fascinating entities.