Vijay Krishna, PhD

Assistant Professor
Department of Molecular Medicine
School of Medicine
Population and Cancer Prevention Program
Case Comprehensive Cancer Center

Research Information

Research Interests

Our fundamental goals are to understand, control and exploit the light-material interactions for biomedical applications. Understanding of photon-nanomaterial interactions will allow rational selection of nanomaterials that are optimal for achieving specific desired healthcare outcomes. For example, fullerenes with the best photothermal and photoacoustic properties can be utilized for safe, non-invasive & effective imaging and treatment of cancer. Similarly, fullerenes that are excellent electron relays can be employed for development of novel anti-inflammatory & anti-cancer agents. The control of electronic & optical properties of fullerenes will allow optimization of electron relay, aggregation, dispersion, photothermal, photoacoustic and magnetic resonance properties, which will be utilized for safe & non-invasive prevention and treatment of cancer.

External Appointments

Assistant Staff, Department of Biomedical Engineering
Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland Clinic

Additional Information