Yong Chen, PhD

Assistant Professor
Department of Radiology
School of Medicine
Imaging Research Core
School of Medicine
Cancer Imaging Program
Case Comprehensive Cancer Center

The overall goal of my research is to develop ultrafast quantitative MRI technique for emerging scientific and clinical needs. In collaboration with my colleagues, I have made significant contributions to the development and optimization of Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting (MRF) technique, and my work has covered multiple aspects of the technique from data acquisition, image reconstruction, to post-processing. Over the years, I have built up extensive experience in developing and testing advanced MRI techniques for quantification of various tissue properties from T1 and T2 relaxation times to water diffusion and perfusion. I have broad experience in designing and conducting MR experiments in different organs, including brain, liver, kidney, breast and heart. My prior training received through Clinical Translational Science Award (KL2) has also prepared me well for collaborations with researchers, physicians and scientists from multiple perspectives.

Research Information

Research Interests

My research is focused in development, validation and application of novel quantitative magnetic resonance imaging techniques for diagnosis and characterization of tumors in multiple organs, including kidney, breast and liver.
