New Sponsor Requests

Having trouble finding your sponsor in Sparta Grants?

Focus on finding your prime or direct sponsor in Sparta by performing a search using only key words. If you can't identify a sponsor in the system, select "TBD Sponsor." The Office of Research and Technology Management (ORTM)’s New Sponsor Request team actively monitors Sparta Grants for these designations.

New Sponsor Request Team will then:

  • Verify to see if the sponsor already exists in the system.
  • Perform a restricted party check for a new sponsor.

Need a Sponsor Added Quickly or Can't Find a Subcontract Organization?

For faster processing, contact the New Sponsor Requests team at with the following details:

  • Grant proposal number (FP#)
  • Grant proposal title
  • Sponsor's legal name
  • If the sponsor is a nonprofit organization or corporation, please provide a signed W-9 form from the sponsor.
  • Sponsor contact information (name and phone number)
  • Sponsor's billing address (including city, state/province, and country if applicable)
  • Sponsor's website address (if available)

Important notes: There's a one-day delay for newly added sponsors to appear within Sparta Grants. Please refer to Canvas for the training on how to add a new sponsor.