The pre-award office has been working diligently to update all of its forms, agreement templates and other documents. To ensure you, your colleagues and our partners use the correct document, please review the best practices outlined below.
Contract Responsible Party Chart
The Contract Responsible Party Chart details who is permitted to send out which templates. If a company or outside entity wishes to discuss agreement terms during the proposal phase, please contact PASA, and a member of the team may meet with the company to discuss our standard terms and conditions.
FAQ: How does using a CWRU Template save valuable time?
When you use a CWRU-approved template and the sponsor executes it without modifying it, it will save an unfathomable amount of time. There will be no need to review the terms and conditions or negotiate changes with the sponsor. This can save weeks—if not months—of negotiation time.
Data Use Agreements (DUAs)
To ease data sharing between CWRU and two of its partners, we use Master Data Use Agreements (DUAs) to govern the transfer of data, but paperwork is still required for each individual relationship in which investigators wish to share data. The PASA: DUA/MTA Unit has negotiated Master DUAs with both University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center (UH) and Cleveland Clinic.
Even with these overarching agreements in place, a principal investigator or department administrator is still required to complete a DUA Request Form to send or receive data to or from UH or Cleveland Clinic.
The master agreement expedites and simplifies the process so we don’t need to negotiate the terms and conditions of the agreement every time; We simply need to conduct our due diligence review and can then execute an addendum to address what will be shared between PIs.
The latest version of the form is available on the Data Use Agreements page of ORTM’s website, where you can also find a guidance document for completing the form. Please do not use previously saved versions of the DUA Request Form.
Material Transfer Agreements (MTAs)
The PASA: DUA/MTA Unit recently took over the administration of the transfer of research materials to and from CWRU. As with other agreement forms, please delete previous versions of the MTA Request Form.
For the most updated version of the MTA Request Form, visit the MTA webpage.
Research vs. service reminder
The PASA team is charged with making the final determination as to whether the activities listed in an Statement of Work (SOW) constitute research or services. By using the PASA-approved SOW Template, you will expedite this process as the SOW will clearly indicate whether the project contemplates service, research, or both service and research activities. Access the SOW Template on the Award Acceptance and Setup page.