RADAR April 3: NIH Guidance
April 03, 2024The NIH has issued recent guidances that we encourage you to review:
New NIH Foreign Subawards FAQs: The…Updated guidance for Late Cost Transfers
April 03, 2024Guidance for the submission of cost transfers including the submission of Late Cost Transfers (LCT) is in the RADAR…
Working with the VA Northeast Ohio Health System
April 03, 2024The Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center has asked us to use "VA Northeast Ohio Health System" going forward. Guidance for working with the VA is on the…
March 20 updates from the NIH
March 20, 2024NIH Migrates Public Access Policy Website: The NIH consolidated its public access policy website into NIH’s Sharing website, effective March 12, 2024. Per the…
Distinction between PASA and the Procurement Office
March 07, 2024The Office of Pre-Award Services and Agreements (PASA) handles agreements (including subawards) for research and…
Late Cost Transfer Form
March 07, 2024The Office of Post-Award Services and Compliance along with volunteers from the School of…
Notice of Award (NOA) Issuance Guidance
March 07, 2024The Office of Pre-Award Services and Agreements (PASA) receives numerous calls and emails daily regarding when an NOA will be released. For transparency, please…
Who is the PRIME Sponsor?
March 07, 2024Definition: The PRIME Sponsor is the entity that is the original source of the project funds.…
Guidance for Placing Orders
February 22, 2024Ordering of Controlled Substances and Prescription Drugs for Research PurposesFor research that requires the use of controlled substances or prescription drugs…
Proposal Submission Documentation Requirements
February 08, 2024The following documentation is required to be uploaded to SpartaGrants for proposals directly…