Event Description
Dean Dexter Voisin will speak at the CWRU Center for Policy Study's Friday Public Affairs Lunch Discussion series on March 29 on The Impact of Neighborhood and Racial Violence on Black Youth Developmental Outcomes.
Findings from this program of research demonstrate that the problems of neighborhood violence exposures are correlated with youth mental health problems, school failure, negative peer networks and high rates of HIV-related risk behaviors, which are interconnected outcomes in the lives of adolescents, particularly those who live in low-resourced communities.
Since 1989, CWRU faculty, emeriti, students, staff and friends have gathered on Fridays to discuss topics in public affairs at a brown-bag lunch. The discussion will begin at 12:30 p.m., though both the meeting room and the Zoom room will open at noon.
Weekly e-newsletters confirm plans or explain changes and provide instructions for signing into Zoom. To be added to the email list, please contact padg@case.edu. Contact Joseph White for more information.
Event Location
Kelvin Smith Library | Dampeer Room
11055 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44106
OR Zoom