Tuition + Fees

Tuition, fees and scholarship support at the Mandel School are determined based on your degree and program format. Mandel School provided more than $5 million in scholarships to talented Change Leaders, like you, to make their mark on the field last year. 

Below is an estimated breakdown of tuition, fees, and sample scholarship support based on the 2023 - 2024 academic year.

Note: Official tuition rates and fees can be viewed on Student Financial Services website

Credit hours (estimate) 16 16 15 12 - 15
Semester Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Fall 2025 Spring 2026
Tuition (semester rate)** $24,750 $24,750 $24,750 $24,750
Estimated Fees ($59 per fall/spring semester) $59 $59 $59 $59
RTA Public Transportation Pass $65 $65 $65 $65
Field Education Software Fee (first semester only)** $220      
Total Tuition and Fees** $25,094 $24,874 $24,874 $24,874
Financial Aid Average Awards Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Fall 2025 Spring 2026
Average MSW On-campus Scholarship ($30,000) $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500
Average traditional MSW On-campus Dean's Scholarship ($20,000) $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000
Field Award for MSW On-Campus students $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000
Estimated Balance (tuition minus scholarship and field award) $9,594 $9,374 $11,374 $11,374

Please note that this is an estimated breakdown of credit hours and tuition and fees. The credit hour breakdown and tuition and fees are subject to change. Tuition typically increases each fiscal year and fees are subject to change. Students are able to utilize federal financial aid to help cover the balance of tuition and living expenses.

Credit hours (estimate) 16 15 9
Semester Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Summer 2025
Tuition (semester rate)** $24,750 $24,750 $14,850
Mandel and Grad Student Fees ($59 per semester) $59 $59  
RTA Public Transportation Pass $65 $65  
Field Education Software Fee (first semester only)** $220    
Total Tuition and Fees** $25,094 $24,874 $14,850
Financial Aid Average Awards Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Summer 2025
Average MSW On-campus Scholarship ($30,000) $7,500 $7,500 $7,500
Average  Advanced Standing MSW On-campus Dean's Scholarship ($10,000)  $5,000 $5,000  
Field Award for MSW On-Campus students $3,000 $3,000  
Estimated Balance (tuition minus scholarship and field award) $9,594 $9,374 $7,350

Please note that this is an estimated breakdown of credit hours and tuition and fees. The credit hour breakdown and tuition and fees are subject to change. Tuition typically increases each fiscal year and fees are subject to change. Students are able to utilize federal financial aid to help cover the balance of tuition and living expenses.

Credit hours (estimate) 6.0 9.0 5.5 8.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 8.5
Semester Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Summer 2025 Fall 2025 Spring 2026 Summer 2026 Fall 2026 Spring 2027
Tuition ($1650 per credit hour)** $9,900 $14,850 $9,075 $14,025 $12,375 $12,375 $12,375 $14,025
Estimated Fees ($59 per fall/spring semester) $59 $59   $59 $59   $59 $59
Field Education Software Fee (first semester only)** $220              
Total Tuition and Fees** $10,179 $14,909 $9,075 $14,084 $12,434 $12,375 $12,434 $14,084
Financial Aid Average Awards Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Summer 2025 Fall 2025 Spring 2026 Summer 2026 Fall 2026 Spring 2027
Weekend Scholarship (35%)* $3,465 $5,198 $3,176 $4,909 $4,331 $4,331 $4,331 $4,909
Estimated Balance (tuition minus scholarship) $6,714 $9,712 $5,899 $9,175 $8,103 $8,044 $8,103 $9,175

Please note that this is an estimated breakdown of credit hours and tuition and fees. The credit hour breakdown and tuition and fees are subject to change. Tuition typically increases each fiscal year and fees are subject to change. Students are able to utilize federal financial aid to help cover the balance of tuition and living expenses.

*Employees with our workforce partnerships will receive a 50% scholarship off tuition.

Financial Aid Average Awards Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Summer 2025 Fall 2025 Spring 2026 Summer 2026 Fall 2026 Spring 2027
Weekend Partner Organization Scholarship (50%) $4,950 $7,425 $4,538 $7,013 $6,188 $6,188 $6,188 $7,013
Estimated Balance (tuition minus scholarship) $5,229 $7,484 $4,538 $7,072 $6,247 $6,188 $6,247 $7.072
Credit hours (estimate) 7.0 8.5 7.5 7.5 8.5
Semester Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Summer 2025 Fall 2025 Spring 2026
Tuition ($1650 per credit hour)** $11,550 $14,025 $12,375 $12,375 $14,025
Estimated Fees ($59 per fall/spring semester) $59 $59   $59 $59
Field Education Software Fee (first semester only)** $220        
Total Tuition and Fees** $11,829 $14,084 $12,375 $12,434 $14,084
Financial Aid Average Awards Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Summer 2025 Fall 2025 Spring 2026
Mandel School Scholarship (35%)* $4,043 $4,909 $4,331 $4,331 $4,909
Estimated Net tuition and fees minus average scholarship support $7,787 $9,175 $8,044 $8,103 $9,175

Please note that this is an estimated breakdown of credit hours and tuition and fees. The credit hour breakdown and tuition and fees are subject to change. Tuition typically increases each fiscal year and fees are subject to change. Students are able to utilize federal financial aid to help cover the balance of tuition and living expenses.

*Employees with our workforce partnerships will receive a 50% scholarship off tuition.

Financial Aid Average Awards Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Summer 2025 Fall 2025 Spring 2026
Weekend Partner Organization Scholarship (50%) $5,775 $7,013 $6,188 $6,188 $7,013
Estimated Balance (tuition minus scholarship) $6,054 $7,072 $6,188 $6,247 $7,072
Credit hours (estimate) 6.0 7.0 7.5 8.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 8.5
Semester Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 3 Semester 4 Semester 5 Semester 6 Semester 7 Semester 8
Tuition ($1650 per credit hour)** $9,900 $11,550 $12,375 $14,025 $12,375 $12,375 $12,375 $14,025
Estimated Fees ($20 per credit hour)** $120 $140 $150 $170 $150 $150 $150 $170
Field Education Software Fee (first semester only)** $220              
Total Tuition and Fees** $10,240 $11,690 $12,525 $14,195 $12,525 $12,525 $12,525 $14,195

Financial Aid Average Awards

Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 3 Semester 4 Semester 5 Semester 6 Semester 7 Semester 8
Average Online Scholarship ($15,000) $1,500 $1,750 $1,875 $2,125 $1,875 $1,875 $1,875 $2,125
Estimated Balance (tuition minus scholarship)  $8,740 $9,940 $10,650 $12,070 $10,650 $10,650 $10,650 $12,070

Please note that this is an estimated breakdown of credit hours and tuition and fees. The credit hour breakdown and tuition and fees are subject to change. Tuition typically increases each fiscal year and fees are subject to change. Students are able to utilize federal financial aid to help cover the balance of tuition and living expenses.

Credit hours (estimate) 7.0 8.5 7.5 7.5 8.5
Semester Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 3 Semester 4 Semester 5
Tuition ($1650 per credit hour)** $11,550 $14,025 $12,375 $12,375 $14,025
Estimated Fees ($20 per credit hour)** $140 $170 $150 $150 $170
Field Education Software Fee (first semester only)** $220        
Total Tuition and Fees** $11,910 $14,195 $12,525 $12,525 $14,195
Financial Aid Average Awards Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 3 Semester 4 Semester 5
Average Online Scholarship ($9,750) $1,750 $2,125 $1,875 $1,875 $2,125
Estimated Balance (tuition minus scholarship) $10,160 $12,070 $10,650 $10,650 $12,0700,650

Please note that this is an estimated breakdown of credit hours and tuition and fees. The credit hour breakdown and tuition and fees are subject to change. Tuition typically increases each fiscal year and fees are subject to change. Students are able to utilize federal financial aid to help cover the balance of tuition and living expenses.

Credit hours (estimate) 18 15 6
Semester Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Summer 2025
Tuition (semester rate)** $24,750 $24,750 $9,900
Mandel and Grad Student Fees ($59 per semester)** $59 $59  
RTA Public Transportation Pass $65 $65  
Total Tuition and Fees** $24,874 $24,874 $9,900
Financial Aid Average Awards Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Summer 2025
Average MNO On-campus Scholarship ($22,500) $7,500 $7,500 $7,500
Estimated Balance (tuition minus scholarship) $17,374 $17,374 $2,400

Please note that this is an estimated breakdown of credit hours and tuition and fees. The credit hour breakdown and tuition and fees are subject to change.Tuition typically increases each fiscal year and fees are subject to change. Students are able to utilize federal financial aid to help cover the balance of tuition and living expenses.

Credit hours (estimate) 6.0 6.0 3.0 6.0 6.0 3.0 6.0 3.0
Semester Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 3 Semester 4 Semester 5 Semester 6 Semester 7 Semester 8
Tuition ($1650 per credit hour)** $9,900 $9,900 $4,950 $9,900 $9,900 $4,950 $9,900 $4,950
Estimated Fees ($59 per fall/spring semester) $59 $59   $59 $59   $59 $59
RTA Public Transportation Pass $65 $65   $65 $65   $65 $65
Total Tuition and Fees** $10,024 $10.024 $4,950 $10,024 $10,024 $4,950 $10,024 $5,074
Financial Aid Average Awards Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 3 Semester 4 Semester 5 Semester 6 Semester 7 Semester 8
Average MNO part-time Scholarship (35%) $3,465 $3,465 $1,733 $3,465 $3,465 $1,733 $3,465 $1,733
Estimated Balance (tuition minus scholarship) $6,559 $6,559 $3,218 $6,559 $6,559 $3,218 $6,559 $3,342


**Subject to Change Disclaimer**
The tuition and fees policies, procedures, and fees are subject to change without prior notice, if necessary.