One of Case Western Reserve University’s greatest strengths is the wide range of backgrounds and life experiences of our community, and University Health & Counseling Services is committed to providing an environment where all feel safe, supported, respected, and valued.
Our training program aligns with the American Psychological Association’s position that providers must serve the broader public ( We expect our trainees to develop and demonstrate effectiveness when working with individuals whose backgrounds, perspectives, and beliefs may differ from those of the counselors. While we respect each trainee's right to maintain their personal belief system, the training of mental health professionals requires openness to learning, reflection, cognitive flexibility, and exploration of personal values.
The UH&CS training program values the perspectives of students, trainees, and staff, and integrates varied viewpoints throughout training activities and experiences. We recognize the importance of a range of thought and experiences as part of the internship year. At our training site, we incorporate these perspectives in supervision, consultation, clinical intervention, and professional development. We work with other CWRU departments to reach out to all segments of the campus community. Interns are appreciated for the variety of experiences they bring to the center. They are encouraged to reflect on how their personal experiences influence their work during the internship. Interns also participate in outreach to different campus groups and are invited to collaborate with campus partners who share in the mission of fostering an inclusive community. They provide feedback to the agency on how well we are meeting our goals and are invited to offer evaluations of our quality improvement efforts.
To recruit interns who are committed to fostering a welcoming environment, we ensure a broad representation of staff in the interview process and ask questions that explore both knowledge and practical application in working with people. We do not require in-person interviews; instead, we clearly state in our materials that we are committed to encouraging a wide range of applicants, including those who may face barriers to travel for interviews.
Our training program is focused on fostering an environment that respects a variety of perspectives. We include a series of training sessions on inclusion facilitated by our specialist, who continuously seeks education about issues related to higher education. These sessions address the perspectives of both interns and clients, and themes of inclusivity are integrated throughout the internship year in consultation, supervision, and overall program design.