Travel Awards for Trainees

The Office of Cancer Training, Education, and Research (OCTER) at the Case Comprehensive Cancer Center (Case CCC) provides funds to help offset travel costs for Case CCC trainees to present their research at national meetings.


  • Trainees (graduate/medical students, postdocs, and residents/fellows in an oncology discipline) conducting cancer-focused research with a member of the Case CCC
  • Attend a national conference to present your research (poster or oral presentation)
  • Have funds available for any travel expenses not covered by the award

Funding Criteria

Funds will only be distributed upon receipt of actual travel expenses or to cover the cost of conference registration and flights in advance. All travel covered by the award must comply with CWRU and federal travel policies. Award amounts may vary.


There are four application deadlines: January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1. Each deadline is for conferences occurring in the 2 months prior and the entire month of the deadline. (For example, conferences in November, December, and January should be applied for by the January 1 deadline.)

Apply Here


Please contact Damian Junk ( with any questions.