Benefits Enrollment for New Hires

Please review the Benelect Guide with employee cost sheets and complete the appropriate forms below by the end of your first week of employment (but no later than 30 days after start date). Return the forms to the HR Service Center by appointment or via secure Box website at Ask HR Box. Please contact the HR Service Center at 216.368.6964 or with questions. Employees without Social Security Numbers cannot enroll in HCM or benefits until after that information has been provided.  They need to bring in their signed Social Security Card to the HR Service Center in Crawford, 320 once it has been obtained.  Social Security Numbers can never be emailed.

Research Associates and Staff (salary grade 3 through 17)

Review the Benefits Program for Staff and then complete Benelect Enrollment Packet and Retirement Plan C formPlan C Qualified Default Investment Account.

Senior Research Associates, Research Scientists and Senior Staff (salary grade 18 and above)

Review the Benefits Program for Senior Staff and Executives and then complete Benelect Enrollment Packet and Retirement Plan A formPlan A Qualified Default Investment Account.


Review the Benefits Program for Faculty and then complete Benelect Enrollment Packet and Retirement Plan A FormPlan A Qualified Default Investment Account.

All New Hires

If you are insuring a dependent under medical, dental, vision, and or/dependent life insurance, submit required Dependent Verification Documents.

If you are insuring a spouse or equivalent under medical, complete Working Spouse Premium form. Please indicate that they have access to other health insurance (and you will be charged the additional $100/month) or that they do not have access to other health insurance (and you will waive the additional $100/month).  

If an employee covers a spouse on medical and do not turn one in, the premium will automatically be applied.

Please Note: It is against university policy to submit documentation containing restricted data such as SSN via email or fax. When the HR Service Center receives a document with restricted data via email, it is deleted without being processed and a request for a corrected submission is sent. Submit through Ask HR Box instead.