Resources for Partners

These resources provide community and collaborators the tools and resources to prepare and enhance community-partnered translational research.

Theses resources are to assist community and stakeholder individuals and organizations to prepare for a federal grant application with a local research institution. 

Administrative Tasks

Biosketch Resources

  • NIH Biosketch Forms: Biosketches are required in both competing applications and progress reports. Find instructions, blank format pages, and sample biosketches here.
  • SciENcv is a tool supporting multiple research agencies, to help you develop your biosketch and automatically format it according to NIH requirements.

Grant Submission Guide

These resources are focused on fostering bi-directional understandings between researchers and the community, and enhancing research opportunities through collaborations and partnerships among researchers, community residents, and organizations.

Community Based Participatory Research Toolkit

The CBPR Toolkit is a handbook for community health centers and researchers interested in collaborative research activities.

Toolkit for Developing Community Partnerships

This Developing Community Partnerships guide is intended to be a resource for researchers, health care providers and the community who are interested in conducting community-engaged research. It outlines processes and approaches needed during project phases such as relationship building, proposal development, project execution and dissemination.

Grants & Contracts

The Case Western Reserve University Office of Grants and Contracts provides assistance with proposal submissions, account set-up, contract negotiation and processing, and other services related to federal and non-federal grants, foundation agreements, state and county grants, and industry contracts.


Kelvin Smith Library: Research Services

The goal of research services at the Kelvin Smith Library is to provide quality service to all members of the Case community in fulfillment of their educational and research needs. To achieve this goal, research services librarians provide research assistance, including answering reference questions, providing collection development support, and providing information literacy and research instruction services. These services are provided to all members of the Case community both locally and remotely, through telephone, e-mail, text, and live chat reference.


CWRU Affiliate ID

To improve stakeholder and community collaboration among investigative research teams, CWRU Network ID accounts and related services can be provided to individuals who are affiliated with the University.  Complete the online Case Affiliate Request Form or download the ‘How-To’ Guide for setting up or renewing an affiliate ID.  


CWRU CREC Certification

Case Western Reserve University's Continuing Research Education Credit (CREC) Program provides investigators documented training in the protection of human subjects in research. The program is available to human subjects researchers at University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center, The MetroHealth System, Case Western Reserve University, Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center, and The Cleveland Clinic. The Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) is a training service to which the University subscribes. CITI provides comprehensive online educational programs in multiple areas including the protection of human subjects in research.



Community Perspectives on Research

The Ohio State College of Public Health's Prevention Research Center presents community perspectives on academic research.


Community Engaged Research for Faculty Training Collaboratively developed by the University of New Mexico CTSC and the NM Cares Health Disparities Center, the video discusses basic concepts for effectively working with communities in health research.
Colorado CTSI Community Engagement Resources This series of videos from University of Colorado seminar series highlight essential community-partnership fundamentals such as “Charting a Partnership over its First Grant Cycle”, “Formalization of Roles, Responsibilities and Expectations” and “Making Meaning of Data and Disseminating Results”.

In cases where the study personnel are community partners, the CTSC and the Office of Research and Technology offer the CIRTification program as an alternative method when the traditional human research protection training may not be appropriate. All alternative training plans must be submitted and approved by the Office of Research and Technology.  There are two path for receive your training:

  1. You may go to the University of Illinois - Chicago CCTS website and do the Online training course. Your credentials will then be sent to the CWRU Site Administrator: Yovonda Reese (

  2.  If there is more than one person taking the course, you may chose to do an In-Person Training.  All materials to conduct the training are available at the UIC CCTS website. C&C staff are also available to facilitate an In-Person Training, please contact Meredith Goodwin ( for more information.