Faculty in Experimental Pathology


  • Portrait of Derek Abbott

    Derek Abbott, MD, PhD

    Department of Pathology
    School of Medicine
    Arline H. and Curtis F. Garvin Professor of Medicine
    Department of Pathology
    School of Medicine
    Immune Oncology Program
    Case Comprehensive Cancer Center

    Email: derek.abbott@case.edu

    Phone: 216.368.8564

  • Anna Bruchez, PhD

    Assistant Professor
    Department of Pathology
    School of Medicine

    Email: axb1108@case.edu

  • Aaron Burberry

    Aaron Burberry, PhD

    Assistant Professor
    Department of Pathology
    School of Medicine

    Email: aaron.burberry@case.edu

    Phone: 216.368.1066

  • Male with glasses and blue shirt

    Ignazio Cali, PhD

    Adjunct Assistant Professor
    Department of Pathology
    School of Medicine

    Email: Ignazio.cali@case.edu

    Phone: 216.368.4874

  • Portrait of Brian Cobb

    Brian A. Cobb, PhD

    Michael E. Lamm Professor
    Department of Pathology
    School of Medicine
    Immunology Training Program
    School of Medicine

    Email: brian.cobb@case.edu

    Phone: 216.368.1263

  • Wendy Goodman

    Wendy A. Goodman, PhD

    Assistant Professor
    Department of Pathology
    School of Medicine
    Immune Oncology Program
    Case Comprehensive Cancer Center

    Email: wag@case.edu

    Phone: 216.368.3920

  • Dr. Clifford Harding

    Clifford V. Harding, MD, PhD

    Joseph R. Kahn Professor and Chair of Pathology
    Department of Pathology
    School of Medicine
    Interim Department Chair
    Department of Anatomy
    School of Medicine
    Department of Anatomy
    School of Medicine
    Department of Medicine
    School of Medicine
    Immune Oncology Program
    Case Comprehensive Cancer Center
    University Hospitals Distinguished Physician
    University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center

    Email: cvh3@case.edu

    Phone: 216.368.3611

  • Amy Hise

    Amy Hise, MD, MPH

    Department of Pathology
    School of Medicine
    Center for Global Health and Diseases
    School of Medicine

    Email: amy.hise@case.edu

    Phone: 216.368.5036

  • Mark Jackson, PhD

    Department of Pathology
    School of Medicine
    Associate Director for Training and Education
    Case Comprehensive Cancer Center
    Director, Cancer Biology Training Program
    Molecular Oncology Program
    Case Comprehensive Cancer Center

    Email: mark.w.jackson@case.edu

    Phone: 216.368.1276

  • David Kang headshot

    David Kang, PhD

    Department of Pathology
    School of Medicine
    Howard T. Karsner Professor in Pathology

    Email: dek94@case.edu

    Phone: 216.368.0488

  • Portrait of Qingzhong Kong

    Qingzhong Kong, PhD

    Associate Professor
    Department of Pathology
    School of Medicine
    Associate Professor
    Department of Neurology
    School of Medicine
    Associate Professor
    Department of Environmental Health Sciences
    School of Medicine

    Email: qingzhong.kong@case.edu

    Phone: 216.368.1756

  • Portrait of Allison Kraus

    Allison Kraus, PhD

    Associate Professor
    Department of Pathology
    School of Medicine

    Email: alk127@case.edu

  • Tian Liu Headshot

    Tian Liu, PhD

    Assistant Professor
    Department of Pathology
    School of Medicine

    Email: txl757@case.edu

    Phone: 216.368.4163

  • Image of headshot of Ganapati Mahabaleshwar

    Ganapati Mahabaleshwar, PhD

    Associate Professor
    Department of Pathology
    School of Medicine

    Email: ghm4@case.edu

    Phone: 216.368.5998

  • Kenneth Matreyek

    Kenneth Matreyek, PhD

    Assistant Professor
    Department of Pathology
    School of Medicine
    Cleveland Center for Membrane & Structural Biology
    School of Medicine

    Email: kenneth.matreyek@case.edu

    Phone: 216.368.0626

  • Dr. Edward Medof

    M. Edward Medof, MD, PhD

    Department of Pathology
    School of Medicine
    Department of Medicine
    School of Medicine
    Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
    School of Medicine
    Immune Oncology Program
    Case Comprehensive Cancer Center

    Email: m.medof@case.edu

    Phone: 216.368.5434

  • Dr. Vincent Monnier

    Vincent Monnier, MD

    Department of Pathology
    School of Medicine
    Department of Biochemistry
    School of Medicine

    Email: vincent.monnier@case.edu

    Phone: 216.368.6613

  • Portrait of Dr. Theresa Pizarro

    Theresa Pizarro, PhD

    Department of Pathology
    School of Medicine
    Associate Professor
    Department of Medicine
    School of Medicine

    Email: Theresa.Pizarro@case.edu

    Phone: 216.368.3306

  • Dr. Parameswaran Ramakrishnan

    Parameswaran Ramakrishnan, PhD, MS

    Associate Professor
    Department of Pathology
    School of Medicine
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Biochemistry
    School of Medicine
    Immune Oncology Program
    Case Comprehensive Cancer Center
    School of Medicine

    Email: pxr150@case.edu

    Phone: 216.368.2387

  • Portrait of Jiri Safar

    Jiri Safar, MD

    Department of Pathology
    School of Medicine
    Department of Neurology
    School of Medicine
    Cleveland Center for Membrane & Structural Biology
    School of Medicine

    Email: jiri.safar@case.edu

    Phone: 216.368.4609

  • Portrait of Carey Shive

    Carey Shive, PhD

    Assistant Professor
    Department of Pathology
    School of Medicine

    Email: carey.shive@case.edu

    Phone: 216.368.5238

  • Dr. Neena Singh

    Neena Singh, MD, PhD

    Department of Pathology
    School of Medicine
    Department of Neurology
    School of Medicine

    Email: neena.singh@case.edu

    Phone: 216.368.2617

  • Dr. Man-Sun Sy

    Man-Sun Sy, PhD

    Department of Pathology
    School of Medicine

    Email: man-sun.sy@case.edu

    Phone: 216.368.1268

  • Dr. Alan Tartakoff

    Alan Tartakoff, PhD

    Department of Pathology
    School of Medicine
    Department of Genetics and Genome Sciences
    School of Medicine
    Department of Molecular Biology and Microbiology
    Department of Biochemistry

    Email: alan.tartakoff@case.edu

  • Picture of wenzhang wang in grey sports coat blue shirt

    Wenzhang Wang, PhD

    Assistant Professor
    Department of Pathology
    School of Medicine

    Email: wenzhang.wang@case.edu

    Phone: 216.368.3753

  • asian women with dark hair smile blue background

    Zerui Wang, MD, PhD

    Assistant Professor
    Department of Pathology
    Center for Global Health & Diseases
    School of Medicine

    Email: zerui.wang@case.edu

    Phone: 216.368.3624

  • Pam Wearsch

    Pamela Wearsch, PhD

    Assistant Professor
    Department of Pathology
    School of Medicine
    Director, Department of Pathology MS Programs

    Email: pamela.wearsch@case.edu

    Phone: 216-368-5059

  • JungA ‘Alexa’ Woo headshot

    JungA ‘Alexa’ Woo, PhD

    Associate Professor
    Department of Pathology
    School of Medicine

    Email: Jaw330@case.edu

    Phone: 216.368.0052

  • Portrait of Tsan Sam Xiao

    Tsan Sam Xiao, PhD

    Department of Pathology
    School of Medicine
    Developmental Therapeutics Program
    Case Comprehensive Cancer Center
    Center for AIDS Research
    School of Medicine
    Cleveland Center for Membrane and Structural Biology

    Email: tsan.xiao@case.edu

    Phone: 216.368.3330

  • Xiongwei Zhu

    Xiongwei Zhu, PhD

    Department of Pathology
    School of Medicine
    Department of Neurology
    School of Medicine
    Co-Director, Pathology Graduate Program
    Department of Pathology
    School of Medicine
    Director, Molecular and Cellular Basis for Disease Training Program
    Department of Pathology
    School of Medicine

    Email: xiongwei.zhu@case.edu

    Phone: 216.368.5903

  • Dr. Nicholas P. Ziats

    Nicholas P. Ziats, PhD

    Department of Pathology
    School of Medicine
    Department of Anatomy
    School of Medicine
    Associate Professor
    Department of Biomedical Engineering
    Case School of Engineering
    School of Medicine

    Email: nicholas.ziats@case.edu

    Phone: 216.368.5176