Student Spotlight: McKenna Uzelac

McKenna Uzelac headshot

Class Year: May 2025

Degree Program: MSW On-Campus

Concentration: Community Practice for Social Change (CPSC)

Field Education Organization: Community Innovation Network at the Mandel School in Cleveland, Ohio

Hometown: Rochester, New York

Give a brief overview of your field education experience(s).

Last year, I worked at the CWRU LGBT Center, where I did programming, outreach and advocacy for and within the LGBT community. This year, I will be working on various community engagement projects around Cleveland.

What are you doing in field that you’re planning to bring with you into your career?

I am showing up as my authentic self and meeting people as their authentic selves in order to facilitate meaningful, real connection conducive to positive change.

What is something you've learned during your practicum that you have found to be most helpful in your social work journey?

I've learned that being an advocate is not something you can leave at the door—you bring that with you everywhere you go and into every interaction you have as a social worker. Thinking about systems-level change and contextualizing each new experience within structures of power is necessary to be an effective change-maker. 

Who is someone you've met during your field practicum that will change the way you practice?

My field instructor during my first year, Ryan Zymler, taught me so much about what it means to work for a community of which you are a part, especially how important it is to know when to enforce and relax on certain boundaries when doing so. This lesson, among many others, has been more valuable than I can even explain.

Before beginning at Case Western Reserve University, what were you doing?

I was a professional baker for a year and a half!

Why did you choose to study social work and/or nonprofit management?

My mother is an incredible social worker, and I grew up immersed in her passion such that I happily inherited it.

Why did you choose CWRU/the Mandel School for your graduate study?

I knew I'd find amazing opportunities for field placements here in Cleveland, and I wanted to attend a school that was reputable and in a mid-sized city. I also heard great things about the CPSC pathway – all of which are true!

What is your favorite thing about CWRU/the Mandel School?

The incredible faculty and staff who are simultaneously impactful educators and wonderful cheerleaders!

What has been your favorite class at the Mandel School so far? Why has it stood out to you?

Foundations of Social Policy gave me such a great foundational understanding and context for the work we do as social workers. It was a fascinating class and I was lucky enough to have Dr. Scott Wilkes, who is one of the most engaging professors I have ever had.

Describe any job, internship, volunteer, research or study abroad experiences you've had during your time at CWRU.

This summer, I worked at a restaurant in Little Italy. Experiencing the liveliness of that neighborhood during the warm months was so invigorating and really cemented the love that has been growing in my heart for Cleveland.

Describe any extracurricular activities you're involved with on- or off-campus, or any interests, activities or passions.

I love reading, and I read especially lots of feminist horror novels. The more gory, the better.

What is your favorite thing about Cleveland/University Circle?

The sandwiches at Affettati! 

What do you hope to do with your degree?

Bring my experience in community practice and change-making back to my hometown.

Do you have any plans for after graduation yet?


What are you most looking forward to post-graduation?


What's something you'd share with an incoming student who is starting a graduate or professional program at CWRU?

Get to know your neighborhood and your neighbors.

Read more in The Huddle.