If you choose the Medical Mutual High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP), you can also contribute to a Health Savings Account (HSA) on a pretax basis. The HSA is your account and can be used for medical expenses and to save for future medical expenses. The balances go with you should you leave the university. Check your eligibility for enrollment in an HSA.
When you open an HSA, you get all the conveniences of a bank account. You:
- own the account,
- control the deposits and withdrawals from the account,
- may have the opportunity to invest the funds,
- may choose to use the funds for qualified medical expenses and
- take the balances with you when you change medical plans, change jobs or retire.
You may want to use after-tax dollars for small expenses, saving the balances for larger or future medical needs. Like an Individual Retirement Account, an HSA has contribution limits for each tax year.
For 2024, you can contribute up to $4,150 for individuals with self-only coverage or $8,300 for family coverage.
Contributions are made through payroll deduction and the account is opened and serviced at HealthEquity. Of course, you can open an HSA anywhere but you must use a HealthEquity account to make HSA contributions via payroll deductions. Learn more in the HealthEquity Member Guide.
When you enroll in the HDHP, HealthEquity will send you a new account welcome kit, including instructions for opening your HSA. You can activate the account at HealthEquity.com. You will receive a debit card once your signature card is returned to HealthEquity.
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) governs HSA accounts and sets the contribution limits, eligibility requirements, qualified medical expenses and tax reporting rules. The IRS does not consider a domestic partner to be a spouse. However, if you are enrolled in a family HDHP that covers your domestic partner and your domestic partner satisfies the other HSA eligibility rules, the domestic partner may be able to establish and contribute to their own HSA. Consult with your personal tax advisor to assess the application of these rules to your personal tax situation.
The university will pay the account set-up fee and monthly maintenance fees while you are actively employed at CWRU. You will pay any additional fees for the account, including check reorders and debit cards. IRS rules consider any banking fees deducted from your account to be allowable distributions. These charges are paid tax-free.
Internal Revenue Service guidance on HSAs is available in IRS Publication 969. Other helpful information can be found in HealthEquity's member brochure.
Please contact Benefits Administration at 216.368.6964 or AskHR@case.edu if you have questions or need assistance.