Positive Corrective Action Procedure

Issue Date: 06/03/2019
Related Policy: Positive Corrective Action (PCA)
Revision History: 01/01/1995; 01/01/2002; 01/01/2005


To detail the steps necessary to provide employees with an opportunity to improve performance and meet standards of conduct.

Detailed Procedures

Supervisors are responsible for assisting employees in attempting to achieve acceptable performance through Positive Corrective Action. Supervisors may give an employee corrective action in the form of a verbal warning without Employee Relations, provided the supervisor previously consulted with Employee Relations about the verbal warning. All other corrective actions, including written warning, suspension, or termination, must be completed in consultation with, approval by, and in the presence of an Employee Relations representative. 

Supervisors are expected to do the following to help employees achieve acceptable performance:

  1. Supervisors are responsible for giving employees on-going feedback concerning their performance.
  2. If an employee's performance is unacceptable, supervisors are responsible for notifying the employee of the desired performance.
  3. Supervisors are expected to discuss the specific areas of performance that are unacceptable, and focus on expected performance behaviors or results.

Verbal Warnings, Written Warnings and Suspensions

  1. Once a supervisor determines an employee’s performance or behavior necessitates Positive Corrective Action, the Positive Corrective Action Form must be completed prior to conducting a face-to-face corrective action meeting with the employee. The supervisor must discuss the Positive Corrective Action Form with Employee Relations before issuing any corrective action to the employee. If the corrective action is a written warning or suspension, the supervisor must conduct the meeting with the employee in the presence of Employee Relations.
  2. By the conclusion of the meeting with the employee, the supervisor will develop an action plan for resolution of the stated performance issues and specify that information on the form. The form should also include the necessary time frame for completion, if applicable. If the corrective action is a written warning or suspension, the Positive Corrective Action Form should also state further discipline, up to and including termination, is likely if the employee continues to demonstrate unacceptable performance for the same or different reason.
  3. After the meeting, the supervisor must provide a copy of the positive corrective action form to the employee and forward a copy of the form to Employee Relations, either directly to the Employee Relations Specialist or to AskHR@case.edu.
  4. Employees who receive a verbal warning may not transfer or be promoted for three (3) months following the verbal warning, absent being granted an Exception to Transfer. Employees who receive a written warning or suspension may not transfer or be promoted for one (1) year following the written warning or suspension, absent being granted an Exception to Transfer. Regardless of whether the Exception to Transfer is granted, new supervisors may be informed of any current PCA.

Continued or New Issues Necessitating Further Corrective Action (or Failure to Complete Tasks Identified in the PCA)

  1. If the employee's issues continue, the supervisor identifies new issues, or the employee does not successfully complete tasks or trainings identified in the positive corrective action in the time given (if applicable), the supervisor is responsible for initiating the most appropriate corrective action that addresses the continued performance issues. They should reach out to Employee Relations with a draft of the PCA. The supervisor will conduct a second positive corrective action meeting with the employee in the presence of Employee Relations.

Types of Suspensions

  1. In cases in which an employee has engaged in acts of violence or other disruptive behavior(s), the supervisor should immediately notify the Human Resources Department at 216-368-6964 and request an employee be suspended immediately to ensure the safety of others, even if the supervisor believes immediate termination is appropriate. If the employee resists the suspension, the supervisor should contact Police and Security Services to escort the employee off campus.
  2. An investigatory suspension may be necessary in certain situations to permit the university time to conduct an objective and factual review of alleged unacceptable performance or misconduct. The employee's computer access will be suspended during the investigatory suspension.
  3. The supervisor and Employee Relations will advise the employee an investigation is being undertaken, the reason for the investigation, and document the reason(s) on the form. This investigation is generally unpaid. The employee should be provided with a copy of the form and a copy should be forwarded to Employee Relations at AskHR@case.edu. Employees may not work during the suspension, even from home. The employee should also be informed termination may occur after suspension if review and consideration of the circumstances indicate termination is warranted. If the investigation determines the suspension was not warranted, the employee will receive back pay for time missed.


  1. If it is decided that termination is warranted, the supervisor must consult with Employee Relations prior to the termination.
  2. The positive corrective action form must be completed prior to the termination meeting and include a description of the unacceptable performance or misconduct. The termination will be effective on the date of notification. Normally, the supervisor will conduct the termination meeting in the presence of Employee Relations. In the meeting, the supervisor is responsible for specifying why the termination was necessary and forwarding a copy of the form to the employee and to Employee Relations. During the termination meeting, all keys, passes, identification cards, and university property should be collected.

Positive Correction Action Form