Managing a Lab

The Lab/Group interface in iLab is the central hub for principal investigators (Pis) and Lab/Group Managers to manage the Lab/Group members, access to funding, monitor budget, and modify various settings. In iLab, every user must be a member of at least one Lab/Group to be able to order services and make reservations.

Visit iLab’s help site for an overview of managing a group, or review some of the CWRU-specific Quick Reference Guides (QRG) below

Responsibilities of CWRU PIs and lab managers

PI and Lab Manager Responsibilities


Update CWRU Speedtype(s)

Payment Methods- Internal

Accept/Decline Membership Requests

Members- Internal

Update lab members (minimum of 1 Principal Investigator and 1 Financial Manager)

Members- Internal

Pay all invoices

How to view an invoice

Payment Methods


Get in touch

If you have questions, please contact