Protocol Review & Monitoring Committee

The Protocol Review and Monitoring Committee (PRMC) reviews all new cancer-related trials conducted at the institutions affiliated with the Case Comprehensive Cancer Center (Case CCC) and also provides feedback to assist in protocol development. All trials that include drugs, devices, and behavioral interventions, as well as prospective observational studies, such as survey studies, are required to be submitted and reviewed by the PRMC. Studies that involve prospective tissue research also require review by the PRMC.

The PRMC plays a critical role in protocol review and monitoring to ensure that clinical trials are scientifically sound and that approved studies maintain adequate patient accrual and scientific progress.

PRMC membership represents a variety of disciplines including medical oncology, pediatric oncology, gynecologic oncology, radiation oncology, surgical oncology, psychosocial oncology, nursing, investigational pharmacy, cancer prevention and control, social and behavioral, data management, biostatistics, patient advocacy, and laboratory science, with representations from each consortium institution.

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