Call for Abstracts

The Case Comprehensive Cancer Center invites you to submit an abstract by Jan. 10, 2025, for presentation at the 8th Annual Cancer Disparities Symposium. Abstracts are divided into two tracks: scientific research and community programs/services. Meritorious abstracts will be selected for oral presentations. 

Submit Abstract

Why should I submit?

The symposium is a premier event that provides researchers and organizations an opportunity to present cutting-edge science and community programs addressing cancer disparities. This is your chance to showcase the breadth and depth of work happening in the field and in northeast Ohio.

Who should submit?

  • Multidisciplinary cancer researchers
  • Healthcare systems
  • Government-based programs 
  • Foundations
  • Grassroots and nonprofit organizations
  • Businesses with community-delivered programs and services

What is the abstract format?

  • Submit electronically through the general registration form at
  • Limit to 300 words (excluding title, authors, and institutions)
  • Fit on a Microsoft Word Document with 1-inch margins
  • Use Arial 11-point font
  • Avoid special characters
  • Bold and center the title
  • Include the author(s) name, credentials, organizational affiliation, and contact information (email address)
  • Divide into sections:
Sections for Researchers Sections for Community Organizations
Background Organization background
Aims Community program description
Methods Intended audience (clients, patients, consumers)
Results Costs
Conclusion Impact (evaluation measures, if applicable)

What topics will be considered for community organizations?

  • Access to care
  • Cancer prevention (risk assessment, tobacco use, obesity, nutrition, physical activity, HPV vaccination, behavior change)
  • Early detection and screening (mammograms, colorectal screenings, low dose CT for lung cancer, cervical screening, oral exams, prostate screenings)
  • Patient advocacy
  • Policy
  • Social determinants of health (environmental, behavioral, sociocultural, and economic influences)
  • Supportive programs (meditation, mindfulness, acupuncture, music therapy, counseling)
  • Survivorship (quality of care, follow-up care, quality of life, family, overall survival)
  • Other relevant topics

When is the submission deadline?

5 p.m. EST, Friday, Jan. 10, 2025

Who do I contact with questions?

Kristina Austin at