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Thomas A. Hamilton, PhD
ProfessorDepartment of Molecular MedicineSchool of MedicineProfessorDepartment of PathologySchool of MedicineMemberMolecular Oncology ProgramCase Comprehensive Cancer CenterEmail:
Phone: 216.444.6246
Betty K. Hamilton, MD
Associate ProfessorDepartment of MedicineSchool of MedicineMemberImmune Oncology ProgramCase Comprehensive Cancer CenterEmail:
Phone: 216.445.7580
Xiaonan Han, PhD
Associate ProfessorDepartment of Hematology and OncologyMetroHealth Medical CenterMemberCancer Genomics and Epigenomics ProgramCase Comprehensive Cancer CenterEmail:
Phone: 216-778-8968
Rabi Hanna, MD
Associate ProfessorDepartment of PediatricsSchool of MedicineMemberDevelopmental Therapeutics ProgramCase Comprehensive Cancer CenterEmail:
Phone: 216.444.0663
Jeffrey M. Hardacre, MD
Associate ProfessorDepartment of SurgerySchool of MedicineMemberDevelopmental Therapeutics ProgramCase Comprehensive Cancer CenterEmail:
Phone: 216.844.7047
Clifford V. Harding, MD, PhD
Joseph R. Kahn Professor and Chair of PathologyDepartment of PathologySchool of MedicineProfessorDepartment of AnatomySchool of MedicineProfessorDepartment of MedicineSchool of MedicineMemberImmune Oncology ProgramCase Comprehensive Cancer CenterUniversity Hospitals Distinguished PhysicianUniversity Hospitals Cleveland Medical CenterEmail:
Phone: 216.368.3611
Ann Harris, PhD
Vice Chair of ResearchDepartment of Genetics and Genome SciencesSchool of MedicineProfessorDepartment of Genetics and Genome SciencesSchool of MedicineMemberCancer Genomics and Epigenomics ProgramCase Comprehensive Cancer CenterEmail:
Phone: 216.368.6651
Peter J. Harte, PhD
ProfessorDepartment of Genetics and Genome SciencesSchool of MedicineMemberCancer Genomics and Epigenomics ProgramCase Comprehensive Cancer CenterEmail:
Phone: 216.368.6417
Holly Hartman, PhD
Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Population and Quantitative Health SciencesSchool of MedicineMemberPopulation and Cancer Prevention ProgramCase Comprehensive Cancer CenterEmail:
Khaled Hassan, MD
MemberDevelopmental Therapeutics ProgramCase Comprehensive Cancer CenterEmail: