Payments to Vendors and Independent Contractors

Payments to vendors or independent contractors (IC) for goods or services must be submitted through the University’s requisition process. Requisitions should be submitted prior to the work being completed or the goods obtained. Any requisition submitted based on an invoice will be deemed “After the Fact” by University Procurement office.

To request a requisition, please contact Rachel Blake, Director of Finance, for payments made from Departmental budgets OR Nancy Lupi, Assistant Director of Research Administration, for payment made from Research/External Funding.

In order for a requisition to be requested, the following documentation must be included with your request:

  • Quote(s) or Estimate(s)
    • Addition quotes may be required. Information on additional quotes can be found here. If additional quotes are required but not obtained, a Sole Source Justification form must be submitted
  • Completed Supplier Information Form (if this is their first payment from the school). If your requisition requires an Independent Contract Agreement, you will be contact by the Finance and Administration office. The IC form provides the university with information such as scope of work, payment terms, evaluation, etc. Once submitted, it will be reviewed prior to the requisition being approved.