Professional Development Funds

July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025 (FY2025)

This policy is applicable to Fiscal Year 2025 only. The amounts and/or policy may change for future fiscal years.

Professional Development Funds

Eligibility: For Tenured/Tenure Track, Non-Tenure Track, Research Faculty, and Clinical Faculty

  • Up to $1,000 will be reimbursed for:
    1. Travel and expenses associated with presenting at or attending a professional conference (in-person or virtual).
    2. Research support expenses. This includes consulting, student support, software, and research supplies for yourself or for another researcher in your area. Funds cannot be spent on faculty and staff salary support.

These funds must be used during Fiscal Year 2025 and are not transferable to a future period. The funds are meant to 1) support participation in national level meetings or workshops that enhance the skills of the Faculty, and 2) further stimulate your research and training activity by providing discretionary funding to support activities or purchases related to your work.

Please submit your receipts to Rachel Blake. As the year progresses, please get in touch with Rachel before finalizing your plans to make sure you still have funding available under this program.

All travel or expenses must be incurred during Fiscal Year 2025 (7/1/2024 – 6/30/2025). All expenses must be allowable per University and MSASS policies, and be submitted for reimbursement within 45 days of your travel return date or, if non-travel, of the expense itself. If your travel return date or expense date approaches June 30, 2025, please be in touch with Rachel Blake in advance. Please be aware that a reimbursement submitted in July of 2025 will count against FY2026 funds (not FY2025). If that happens, you will not have access to your FY2025 allotment (or balance thereof).

Please contact Rachel Blake with any questions.