Wellness FAQs

Incentive Programs

The monthly Wellness Incentive is a $25 monthly payment awarded to medical plan participants who complete three wellness activities on or before November 30th annually. Staff who receive paychecks twice a month will receive $12.50 in each paycheck. The wellness activities are the Health Risk Assessment, and at least two of these three activities:  Biometric Screening, Primary Care Provider Attestation and/or Tobacco Attestation Form. The incentive encourages people to learn about their health and to identify steps to improve well-being. In addition, those activities help the university evaluate health and wellness needs of faculty and staff. Recipients of the monthly Wellness Incentive are considered “Wellness Participants”. (Please Note:  Wellness earnings are taxable.)

More information can be found on the Faculty & Staff Wellness website.


The Wellness Program Incentive is a $100 (for one program) or $200 (for two programs) payment available to Wellness Participants throughout the year, in addition to the $25 monthly Wellness Incentive. Those Wellness Participants who meet participation guidelines for one or two of the nine areas during the current calendar year (e.g., Physical Activity, Nutrition and/or Weight Management, Stress Management, Community Well-being, Financial Well-being, Sleep, General Wellness, Tobacco Cessation, and Career Well-being) are able to attest and certify online that they are eligible to receive a $100 or $200 incentive in their paycheck at the end of the calendar year by going to PeopleSoft HCM, clicking on the Wellness Tile, then selecting “Wellness Program Completion” from the menu on the left, and then navigating to the tab for the specific program area. Programs and forms must be completed no later than November 30th annually (Please Note:  Wellness earnings are taxable).

Each year, by Nov. 30th, you must complete the relevant program incentive form by going to PeopleSoft HCM, clicking on the Wellness Tile, then selecting “Wellness Program Completion” from the menu on the left, and then navigating to the tab for the specific program area. Complete the forms that represent the healthy behaviors you have participated in to attest that you are eligible to receive the incentive(s). Read each form, check the applicable response box and make sure you click the “save” button at the bottom to complete the form.

Each fall, all benefits-eligible faculty and staff can complete any of the health screenings and assessments, and any of the programs, offered by the Wellness Department to learn more about their health. However, only faculty and staff covered by a university medical plan AND who complete all three wellness activities will receive incentives. See the Faculty & Staff Wellness FAQ page for more information.

The university offers wellness activities to encourage healthy behaviors. Over time, changes in behavior should improve health and lower use of health care resources. That can mean significant savings for a self-insured university because fewer health care expenses should be incurred over time. Any resulting decrease in health care expenses is a benefit for the university and to the individual in lowering expenses associated with the medical benefit plan. Other faculty and staff not covered by the Benelect program likely have similar programs available to them through their benefits plans.

The university receives an aggregated, de-identified summary report of Biometric Screening and Health Risk Assessment data. This information serves a dual purpose: It helps the university better understand the current health and well-being of participating faculty and staff, and it serves an evaluative purpose annually so the university can determine changes in health status over time. See the Faculty & Staff Wellness FAQ page for more information.

The university will not have access to individual results from the Biometric screenings or Health Risk Assessment. The university will only receive de-identified, aggregated data regarding the participant population. See the Faculty & Staff Wellness FAQ page for more information.

The university will only receive de-identified, aggregated data from Quest Diagnostics for the Biometric Screenings completed. We will receive only de-identified, aggregated data from Staywell for the Health Risk Assessments completed. See the Faculty & Staff Wellness FAQ page for more information.

Participation + Eligibility

During each orientation session for new hires, the wellness program is described and handouts are provided that list each of the wellness activities and how those adding medical coverage can participate. Between January and June of each year, new hires to the university have the first 30 days of their employment to complete each of the three activities to qualify for the monthly Wellness Incentive. They will have the opportunity to meet participation guidelines in the nine Wellness Program Incentive areas to obtain additional Program Incentive(s) that year, if they wish. New hires to the university between July and December each year can participate in the fall wellness activities to receive the Wellness Incentives in the next calendar year.

You have the first 30 days of your coverage period to complete the annual wellness activities and become eligible for the monthly Wellness Incentive. Faculty or staff members adding Benelect medical insurance coverage between July and December can participate in the fall wellness activities to receive the Wellness Incentives in the next calendar year.

A reasonable alternative standard is available for people who are not able to meet the participation requirements for the wellness program. If an eligible person is on leave during the annual fall participation period, they may request an extension for participation or some other type of accommodation by contacting the university’s medical director at erc10@case.edu.

All benefits-eligible faculty and staff may participate in our wellness programming. Those who do not select CWRU medical insurance coverage will not be eligible for the monetary incentives but are welcome to participate in programming like a Nutrition series, Stress Management session, Reflection Point, Avidon Health, and other series offered.

A reasonable alternative standard is available for those unable to meet participation requirements for the wellness program. If you are on leave during the annual fall participation period, you can request an extension for participation or other accommodation by contacting Elizabeth Click, the university’s medical director, at erc10@case.edu.

You are unable to receive incentives, but you are welcome to complete the Health Risk Assessment and Biometric Screening process. In addition, you may register for onsite or online classes such as Sugar Fix, Meditation, Yoga, Reflection Point, etc. See the Faculty & Staff Wellness FAQ page for more information.

Your unique ID is your CWRU Network ID—the series of letters and numbers you use for email purposes (e.g., abc123).

Currently, spouses are not eligible for the incentives. Only the primary covered employee is able to receive the monthly Wellness Incentive. However, employee spouses can participate in the Biometric Screening, Health Risk Assessment, and in any other Wellness programs and services. See the Faculty & Staff Wellness FAQ page for more information.


Yes, each university employee with primary medical insurance coverage can complete the annual wellness activities and then receive the monthly Wellness Incentive.

To confirm your participation in the three wellness activities, log onto PeopleSoft HCM, click on the Wellness Tile, then select “Wellness Summary” from the menu on the left side of the page.

You will see the annual wellness activities listed in the monthly Wellness Incentive section. When the box next to each is checked and a date has been entered on the adjacent lines, you will know the university has confirmed your completion.  You will see the nine Wellness Program Incentive categories listed next. When the box next to each is checked and a date has been entered on the adjacent lines, you will know the university has confirmed your completion of those forms too.

Please email Elizabeth Click (erc10@case.edu) with any questions about the University Wellness Program and incentives. See the Faculty & Staff Wellness FAQ page for more information.

Computers are accessible in the HR Service Center, Crawford Hall Room 320, between 8:30 am – 5 pm. Alternatively, you can access computers in the Kelvin Smith Library on campus. Computers are also available during the Benelect open enrollment period during the Benefits & Wellness Fair (early November). See the Faculty & Staff Wellness FAQ page for more information.

Biometric Screening

Screenings—conducted for the university by Quest Diagnostics Inc.—include blood pressure, height, weight, waist circumference, cholesterol and glucose tests. Each fall, on-site screenings are available by appointment. Faculty and staff may also schedule off-site appointments at a Quest Patient Service Center or submit results via the Physician Response Form available on the Quest website if their primary care provider collected all screening results after April of that calendar year. See the Faculty & Staff Wellness FAQ page for more information.

Screenings are conducted in a variety of buildings on campus to meet the needs of faculty and staff, and also can be conducted off-site at a Quest Patient Service Center. View the Biometric Screening page for current on-site screening locations.

Check the Biometric Screening page for scheduling information or go to the Quest Diagnostics website.

Log onto the CWRU Quest Wellness site by using your Single Sign On. Please contact the Quest Customer Support Center at 855-623-9355 if you have difficulty scheduling an appointment. Additional information is available via email at Wellness@QuestDiagnostics.com. See Faculty & Staff Wellness FAQ page for more information.

You may schedule an appointment at a Quest Patient Service Center (PSC) on the Quest Diagnostics website.

Access is via Single Sign On (SSO). If you encounter any problems, call the Quest Customer Support Center at 866.908.9440.


You will receive an email within three to five days of your screening (if you provided your email address when you registered or you added it later).

The university program is participation, rather than outcomes, based. That means that you just need to participate in the screening process to be eligible for the monthly Wellness Incentive.

The Physician Response From can be submitted to your primary care provider if you have had all screening tests conducted since April 1 of the current calendar year.

Log onto the Quest website and select the Physician Results Form option from the site. Print the form for your provider and make sure it is filled out completely before it is faxed or uploaded back to Quest. Never send completed Physician Results Forms to CWRU Wellness or HR.

It is your responsibility to make sure that the form has been sent back to Quest by the Nov. 30th deadline. All forms submitted after the deadline will not be counted. See the Faculty & Staff Wellness FAQ page for more information.

Fasting for nine to 12 hours prior to the blood collection is required. Take any regularly scheduled medications as usual. Drinking water is permissible and recommended during the fasting period.

The biometric screening is available free of charge to all benefits-eligible faculty and staff at the university.

Once you have participated in the screening, it may take two to three weeks for the university to receive confirmation.  You can check to see whether confirmation of participation has been received by going to PeopleSoft HCM, clicking on the Wellness Tile, then selecting “Wellness Summary” from the menu on the left side of the page. At the bottom of that page, you will see each of the three wellness activities listed. Once the box next to “Screening” is checked and a date has been entered on the adjacent line, you will know the university has confirmed your participation in the screening.

Tobacco Attestation

The Tobacco Attestation Form asks employees to attest and certify to their current use or lack of tobacco use. The form can be found on the Wellness Tile within HCM. Please read through the form and choose one answer choice. Verify that the "Benefit Year" indicated is the NEXT year and click the “save” button. You will have then submitted the form.

Your completion of the form can be immediately confirmed by going to PeopleSoft HCM, clicking on the Wellness Tile, then selecting “Wellness Summary” from the menu on the left side of the page. At the bottom of that page, you will see each of the three wellness activities listed. When the box next to the Tobacco Attestation Form is checked, you will know the university has confirmed your submission of the form.

It should take anywhere from two to five minutes.

The form can be found on the Wellness Tile within HCM.

Be honest; indicate that on the Tobacco Attestation Form. To complete all requirements to obtain the monthly Wellness Incentive, you must participate in a tobacco-cessation program, but quit status at the end of the cessation program is not a requirement.

Once you have completed a majority of the sessions in a multi-week group or individual cessation program, please contact Elizabeth Click, Medical Director. You will then begin to receive the monthly Wellness Incentive (if you completed the other two activities by November 30th of the previous year).  See Faculty & Staff Wellness FAQ page for more information.

To obtain the Tobacco Cessation Program Incentive, you must:

  1. indicate whether or not you currently use tobacco on the Tobacco Attestation Form.
  2. tobacco users need to participate in the majority of sessions in a group or individual cessation program; and
  3. report the completion of that program by contacting Elizabeth Click, Medical Director.

See Faculty & Staff Wellness FAQ page for more information.

Your completion of the form will be recorded immediately. You can confirm this by going to PeopleSoft HCM, clicking on the Wellness Tile, then selecting “Wellness Summary” from the menu on the left side of the page. At the bottom of that page, you will see each of the three wellness activities listed. Once the box next to Tobacco Attestation is checked, you will know the university has confirmed your submission of the form.

Primary Care Provider Attestation

This form, housed within HCM, asks faculty and staff to truthfully state whether they have a designated Primary Care Provider and whether they have had or will have a primary care visit this year. (Deadline is November 30th annually.)

The form can be found by going to: PeopleSoft HCM and navigating to the Wellness Tile and clicking on "Primary Care Provider Attestation" on the menu on the left side of the screen. The form is open each fall from September 1 through November 30.

Your completion of the form can be immediately confirmed by going to PeopleSoft HCM and navigating to the Wellness Tile, then clicking on "Wellness Summary" on the menu on the left side of the page. There are tabs for Current, Prior and Future Benefit year on the top of the page. New hires will see the "Completed Attestation Form" check mark under the Current Year tab, those completing the form in the fall will find the check mark on the Future Year tab.

It should take anywhere from one to three minutes.

The CWRU Benelect providers, Anthem and Medical Mutual, offer help to locate a provider close to your home or the office.