Emerging Leaders Program (ELP)
The ELP is an 18-month program that identifies, engages, and develops cohorts of leaders who reflect the diversity of our catchment area and nation to steward and ensure the future of Case CCC. Participants earn a Case CCC Certificate of Leadership developed in collaboration with the CWRU Weatherhead School of Management Executive MBA Program.
Faculty Scholar Program
The Case CCC Faculty Scholar Program offers $50K per year for three years for salary support to our diverse faculty recruitments.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Talks
Leveraging our existing Case CCC Seminar Series, a speaker is invited every quarter to present on a wide range of topics focused on DEI and/or cancer health disparities.
Diversity Engagement Survey
To measure inclusiveness and engagement in our consortium cancer center, we conducted a center-wide Diversity Engagement Survey in July 2023. Results were compared to benchmark data from 50 Academic Institutions.