Register a New Group

If you are looking to create a new group on CampusGroups, you will need to submit a request through the Group Maintenance Request Form (GMR) and then various staff and administrators will review and approve your request.

Requests take time to be fully processed and approved. Please plan accordingly and do not submit duplicate requests.

Student groups need to get approved by a recognizing organization, which requires you to follow their guidelines and process (which can include steps besides submitting a request). Please refer to the section Applying for recognition as a new student group for more information.

CWRU departments, offices, programs and committees are also welcome to use CampusGroups for their operations and do not require approval from any recognizing organization. Refer to the section Request a New University Group for more information.

Before requesting a new group, check the CampusGroups group list to see if a similar group exists.

Submit a request to the GMR form

Overview of the approval process:

  1. Initial review by CampusGroups administrators
  2. Review by the recognizing organization
  3. Creation of the group page

You can also request:

  • Change my group's name 
  • Change my group's type or recognizing organization (ex. USG to UDC)
  • Change my group's categories or acronym
  • Revive inactive group
  • Deactivate group

If you have any questions or issues with the Group Maintenance Request form, please contact

The primary purpose of recognition is to permit organizations to use the university's name and facilities, apply for funding from a recognizing organization, along with other special privileges. Guidelines and requirements vary by recognizing organizations.

Make sure you have all information you need before applying for recognition. Learn more about the purposes and privileges of recognition.

Only in special cases can a student group be unrecognized.

Generally, student groups will be recognized by the following:

Graduate/professional student groups may specify additional recognition:

What to prepare before requesting a new student group:

  • Check that your group is unique and a similar group does not already exist. 
  • A list of initial members (minimum member numbers vary by organization).
  • An executive board (group officers) who are all active students
  • An advisor (only active CWRU staff or faculty member can hold this position)
  • Logo and cover photo. 
  • Mission statement - what is your group's purpose?.
  • Member benefits - what benefits do your members get by participating in your group?

CWRU departments, offices, programs and committees are can also utilize CampusGroups for their operations.

Commonly-used operations:

  • Community engagement events 
  • Payments and ticketing
  • Creating and managing forms and approval process
  • Newsletters
  • Managing community programs

You will need to prepare the following for your group request:

  • Group Name 
  • Acronym/Short Name
  • A logo (this can be any photo that relates to your group if you don’t have an official logo)
  • Cover photo
  • The mission/purpose of the group
  • Membership Benefits

Financial Info

A speedtype and account number will be added to your page, only income accounts can be added.

Any payments collected via Stripe (CampusGroups payment processor) will be routed to this speedtype.

Please review the Online Payments and Refunds guide for info on CampusGroups payments.

If you have any issues with gathering this information, please send an email to or a finance specialist in your department.

  • Speedtype 
  • Account Number
  • Event Code (optional)

If you have questions about the process or need help while submitting, contact