
Digital Advertisements 

Some of our programs utilize purchased ad space online. These ads can appear on the Meta platforms (Facebook/Instagram), Google, or LinkedIn. If you would like to explore the possibility of a digital ad(s), please reach out to

On-campus Signage 

Physical Signage

You may want to create signage relevant to your program or department to be displayed around campus– either to advertise or create awareness. In either case, all large-scale posters, banners, and/or flyers must comply with UMC guidelines. If you are creating one of these items, please utilize the UMC Project Request Form to ensure it is approved before sending it to print or distribution.  

Digital Signage

Another option of on-campus signage available at CWRU are the TV screens located throughout campus in the various academic buildings, communal spaces, and residence halls. This form of signage is a fantastic way to promote upcoming events and/or deadlines. To ensure your signage is displayed in the appropriate spaces, utilize the guidelines below. 


To have your digital signage displayed within the University Center, please complete the Digital Display Advertisement Reservation Request form

School of Medicine 

To have your signage displayed throughout the BRB, Robbins, and Wood buildings, please utilize the Communications and Event Marketing Request form

Other University Buildings 

Display of digital signage in the majority of University buildings can be requested by completing the Digital Signage Submissions form. This form is accessed via a portal behind CWRU single sign-on and will allow you to select from a drop down menu, where you would like your digital signage to be displayed. The portal will also allow you to view which digital signage you currently have active on screens throughout campus. 

No matter which screen(s) your digital signage will be displayed on, it must be created using the specs 1800 X 860 px. These specifications can be typed in if creating your digital slide using an external resource such as Canva. You may also create your digital signage by utilizing Google Slides or Powerpoint. 

All slides must be saved and submitted as a JPG or PNG file, no bigger than 8MB. PDF files will not be accepted as digital signage submissions.