Recognition + Awards

Distinguished Alumni/ae Award (MD)

James W. Brodsky, MD (MED ’79) 

This award is presented in recognition of an outstanding alumnus/a whose work has made a significant mark in the field of medicine and whose efforts have brought about distinction for the CWRU School of Medicine (one or more awards may be made annually).

See Past MD Award Winners

Distinguished Alumni/ae Award (PhD or MD/PhD)

Michael A. Lobritz, MD, PhD (GRS ’07, MED ’09) 

This award is presented in recognition of an outstanding PhD or MD/PhD alumnus/a whose work has made a significant mark in the medical sciences and whose efforts have brought about distinction for the CWRU School of Medicine (one or more awards may be made annually)

See Past PhD or MD/PhD Award Winners

The Clifford J. Vogt, MD, '34 Award

Christopher P. Brandt, MD (WRC ’80, MED ’84)

This award is presented to the alumnus/a who best emulates the spirit of Dr. Vogt in unselfish devotion and extraordinary volunteer service to CWRU School of Medicine.

See Past Vogt Award Winners

Frederick Robbins Outstanding Accomplishment Award

Formally known as the Special Medical Alumni Board Service Award. Presented to individuals who have made extraordinary contributions to the field of medicine. This award is not limited to alumni nor is it necessarily given on an annual basis. In 1993, the name of the award was changed from its original title: Trustee Service Award.

See Past Robbins Award Winners

Honorary Alumnus/a of the Year Award

Belinda Yen-Lieberman, PhD

The Honorary Alumnus/a of the Year Award is presented to a non graduate of Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine who has had a distinguished career, national leader in their field, holds other awards from national societies, exhibits dedication to improving the lives of others and and may serve as an outstanding physician clinician educator who has received distinguished teaching awards of excellence which has brought about distinction for Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine:

See Past Honorary Alum Winners

Special Recognition Award

Carl A. Robson, MD (MED’66) 

Formally known as the Visionary Leadership Service Award. To be presented to an alumnus/a who has made extraordinary contributions in areas not recognized by the other awards, including exceptional community service, clinical expertise, teaching/mentoring, social or civic engagement, or other notable achievements. The award will be given at the discretion of the Awards Committee and Medical Alumni Association and is not necessarily given on an annual basis.

See Past Special Recognition Winners

Early Career Leadership Award

Paige Cramer Lacatena, PhD (GRS ’12)

To be presented to an alumnus/a who graduated in the last 15 years and has made extraordinary contributions in areas including community service, clinical or research expertise, mentoring, social or civic engagement, or other notable accomplishments.

See Past Early Career Leadership Winners

Robert L Haynie, MD, PHD ’72 ’78 Diversity Impact Award

Wanda Cruz-Knight, MD, MBA, CPE, FAAFP (MED’97) 

Formally known as Robert L Haynie, MD, PHD ’72 ’78 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Award. Presented to an alumnus/a or individual whose work on behalf of diverse populations in the general and/or medical communities has:

  • Significantly addressed systemic or unconscious bias.
  • Improved the lot of people whose health has suffered because of systemic or unconscious bias.
  • Enhanced the professional opportunities of members of ethnic, racial groups or cultural groups that are under-represented in health care fields.

See Past Haynie Award Winners

Lifetime Achievement Award

George Picha, Jr., MD, PhD (MS'74, GRS'76, MED'80)

To be presented to an alumnus/a who has exhibited outstanding lifelong commitment, inspiration and dedication to improving the lives of others and has brought about distinction for Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine.


See Past Lifetime Achievement Winners


Case Medal for Excellence in Health Science Innovation
