Upcoming Events


Bold = Events happening in Cleveland

Locations and links for registration to come! 

February 12 = We Love our Future Alumni Event at the Health Education Campus
March 6 = Scottsdale, Arizona "CWRU School of Medicine Arizona Alumni and Friends Dinner"

RSVP Here!
March 21 = Match Day at the Health Education Campus (live stream link to come)
April 3 - 6 = AAMC Dean’s Council - New Orleans
April 15 = Cancer Center Research Showcase
April 17 = Boston, Massachusetts
June 12/13 = Seattle, Washington / Portland, Oregon
July 31/August 1 = Maine / Connecticut 
August 7/8 = Washington, DC
September 11/12 =  South Carolina
October 9 - 12 = Homecoming and Reunion Weekend 
October 31 - November 5 = AAMC - San Antonio. Texas
November 20/21 = New York City, New York