The Case Western Reserve School of Medicine is dedicated to fostering professional identities and a safe, inclusive environment where everyone can thrive. This includes recognizing those who create a respectful atmosphere, providing resources for personal and professional development, and managing learner mistreatment referrals via the Accountability Management System (AMS). The AMS Liaison supports this mission, ensures privacy and timely follow-up to maintain a positive environment, and collaborates with other School of Medicine areas to achieve this goal.
If you are interested in how the AMS system has been working, you can attend the Dean's State of School meetings, the VP of medical education and VP of grad education annual update. Please reach out to AMS Liaison if you have any questions.

If you've experienced challenging behavior, please use the link below to submit a private report.

To report excellence in teacher-learner standards, click the link below.

Unsure what qualifies as mistreatment? Check our comprehensive list for guidance.

The SOM has clear standards for teacher-learner relationships for all students, staff, and faculty.

The AMS Liaison is here to assist with any questions about the reporting process.

For additional support or to contact a specific office, visit our Resources page.
- Contact the AMS Liaison.
- Feedback can submitted to Tina Lining, Molly Simmons, Monica Yepes-Rios, or Lia Logio.