Professorship Investiture: Medtronic Professorship of Biomedical Discovery and Innovation
Join us in a celebration for the establishment of the Medtronic Professorship of Biomedical Discovery and Innovation and the appointment of William A. Grissom, PhD as the inaugural professor.
Staff Town Hall with Dean Gerson
Dean Gerson invites you to attend and welcomes your questions during the Staff Town Hall on Wednesday, Sept. 4, in the Wolstein Research Building or online. There are several options to ask…
Translational Science Lunch Symposium
Panel discussion on translational science and the process of research innovation and commercialization. Lunch will be provided. Please register for the event. Registration will close on Friday,…
Graduate Education Orientation
The Graduate Education Office hosts an informational session for new School of Medicine doctoral and master's students to share resources and facilitate introductions to the key faculty and staff…
Post-baccalaureate Readiness Instruction for bioMedical Education (PRIME) Program: Drop in Q&A Session
Kyra Schofield, the enrollment specialist of the Post-baccalaureate Readiness Instruction for bioMedical Education (PRIME) program will be available for students to drop in an ask any…
PhD White Coat Ceremony
We are excited to welcome our newest School of Medicine PhD students!