Think Forum featuring Kevin Roose

Case Western Reserve University invites the campus and Greater Cleveland community to engage with prominent academic leaders and international experts through the Think Forum lecture series, this month featuring writer Kevin Roose.

Roose is an award-winning technology columnist for The New York Times and the bestselling author of three books: Futureproof, a guide to surviving the technological future; Young Money; and The Unlikely Disciple. His column, The Shift, examines the intersection of tech, business and culture. Roose is the host of two New York Times podcasts: Hard Fork, a weekly chat show with Casey Newton about the wild frontier of technology; and Rabbit Hole, an eight-part series released in 2020 about how the internet is influencing our beliefs and behavior.

The lecture begins at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 20, at the Maltz Performing Arts Center. Free shuttle service is offered for all Think Forum lectures. Shuttles depart from outside the Tinkham Veale University Center, Linsalata entrance (on Bellflower Road) beginning at 5:30 p.m. Return shuttles depart from the Maltz Performing Arts Center at the conclusion of the lecture.

Admission is free, but tickets are required for entrance. Please register online for the lecture.