Checking Into Fall Housing Assignment

Students will move into their fall housing assignment between Thursday, August 7 - Saturday, August 9, unless otherwise communicated due to early arrivals or building preparations. It is expected that you remain on campus during fall transition so you are prepared to move at anytime.

If you are living in Clarke, STJ, Houses 5, 6 & 7 in The Village at 115, Fayette and Noyes, you can check-in on MyHousing doing a self check-in.  Your ID card will be activated for your building and room assignment.

For all other buildings, please go to the appropriate area office (North Area Office for north-side students; South Area Office for south-side students). You will officially check in, activate your ID card for your fall assignment, and pick up your key/key card. 

What if I am staying in the same assignment from summer to fall?

You will use a slightly different process.  Starting on August 7 on MyHousing, you will need to FIRST do a self-checkout of your summer assignment and then SECOND do a self-check in to your fall assignment. Checking in will reactivate your ID card for the fall term.